Chapter 1

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I hurried down the street to meet Danny at Hyde Park. My dirty blonde wavy hair blowing in the breeze. It was a hot, humid late July afteroon and I was grateful for the refreshing cool breeze.

Once I arrived at the park I saw him laying back on the bench with his ray bans on, looking very chilled as usual!

He got up and smiled once he saw me and we hugged.


"Hi babe"

"How was work?"

"Good, you?" I smiled

"Great!" And we set off walking back to our house. We were flat mates and he was my best guy friend. I'd met him back at college when I was 17.

As we were walking down the dirty, hot pavement of London my phone started ringing.

I pulled it out of my dungarees pocket and looked at the caller.

Lou Teasdale.

I shrieked as Danny looked over my shoulder.

"This is it!! Oh my god!!" I shook

Danny smiled at me. "Guarantee you've got the job"

"Fingers crossed" I grinned and answered my phone.


"Hi Ivy! It's Lou! I'm calling about the job as my assistant that you came to an interview for recently"


"Well I'm really pleased to let you know that you have the job! I loved you when I met you and my gut instinct was telling me to choose you! So you're hired!"

"Ahhhh oh my god thank you so much" I tried to reign in my excitement.

"No problem! So can you start next week?" She asked me

"Of course!"

"Great! So come round to mine on Wednesday night, I'll text you my address and then we'll be flying out to New York Thursday afternoon to start the tour!"

"Yay! Thank you Lou!"

"No problem! Can't wait to see you soon!"

"Bye Lou!"

"Bye Ivy!"

I hung up and screamed in excitement at Danny and we hugged

"I knew you'd get it I!" He laughed.

"This is so exciting Danny! This is gonna career is gonna take off with this! I can't believe it"

I was so over the moon! I couldn't believe my luck.

My whole life was about to change dramatically...

Lou's Assistant (A 5SOS and 1D Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon