Chapter 3

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A/N: this is a looooong chapter but it is good! Well I enjoyed writing it!! please keep voting and sharing cuz it means a lot to me!!

- H :) x


"How have you already met her?" Louis asked me rolling his eyes

"I knocked on her door to say hi"

"Trust you 'Arry" Niall laughed

"Is she fit?" Zayn asked

"Um yeah." I assured

"Is she?!"Niall asked hopefully.

"Niall she's out of your league bro, that's how hot she was" I grinned laughing, teasing him.

We all laughed. "Well that clearly means she's out of your league too mate" Niall nodded.

"Totally bro but I'm still gonna attempt it!" I laughed

"Game on."

"Niall picking up girls is not a game" I said shaking my head

"Shut up 'Arry! How many girls have you slept with since we've been on Tour!" Niall screeched

"About one hundred aaaaand 10?" Liam joined in the banter

"One hundred and 11 actually Liam. Get it right come on! Standards are slipping mate." I grinned shaking my head

"Oh yeah and what standards have you got then Harry?" Louis sassed.

"None" Zayn chipped in.

We all ended up laughing.

***IVY'S POV***

I was standing and judging myself in my hotel mirror, I had a pretty good figure, I was pretty skinny, I had small boobs though and I was so short at 5"3 and a half and a dress size 8. I also apparently had a nice bum according to the guy population!

I was worried I looked too overdressed. I was wearing a tight black dress that came down to just above my knees and my black high heeled ankle boots.

What even was this restaurant? Harry just came and said they were all going somewhere I didn't even know how I'd find anyone.

I started to panic then there was a knock on my door. This time if it was Harry or any of the other boys at least I wasn't half asleep. My hair was deep waved and salt sprayed up and I did look good, if I do say so myself.

I answered the door and Lou was there. Thankfully she was wearing a similar thing to me. We both squealed at the same time.

"You look so gorggg Ivy!" Lou complimented.

"So do you Lou!"

"Thank you! I thought I'd come and find you haha. The boys are already downstairs in the lobby"

"Let's go then." I smiled and picked my shimmery white clutch bag up off my table.

As we walked to the lift, I was starting to get really nervous. Especially since I'd seen Harry earlier! Eurgh. I blushed at the memory of it.

"Nervous?" Lou practically read my mind

"Very" I laughed

"Don't worry they're all lovely lads, like me younger brothers! They'll love yer!" Lou smiled encouragingly.

And we went down in the lift and it pinged as we reached the bottom floor.

We both stepped out together and took in the madness surrounding us.
I blinked at the bright light of the lobby. It was like a different world! There was A LOT of screaming girls, the boys were all taking pictures with them and security was trying to hold a lot of them back.

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