Chapter 11

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A/N: sorry I haven't updated in a while! I've been so so busy!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

H x


Luke squeezed my hand as I sulked moodily at mine and Harry's argument.

"Ignore him! Why are you letting him get to you?" He asked me impatiently

"Because he's a dick and he drives me mad!"

"Yeah but he wants your attention Ivy! Don't give it to him"

I wearily smiled at Luke "you're right, he really does just make my blood boil!"

"He's a prick don't let him!"

I nodded and we wondered back into the dressing room with his arm around me, everyone was chilling after the show. Well I say chilling but everyone was so hyper!

There was so much noise!! It was seriously like being back at high school!!

Niall was texting moodily on the sofa and so was Liam. Louis and Zayn were shouting and joking around, about something and Ash, Cal and Michael were shouting "shut up you prick!" To each other, getting louder and louder.

Harry was nowhere to be seen...

Me and Luke cuddled up on the sofa, next to Liam & Niall. And we chatted to them for a bit.

"Shall we all head back to the hotel then?" Liam asked us.

Everyone nodded.

"Where's arry?" Niall asked

Everyone looked around except me & Luke.

I had a mini heart attack as I realised I didn't have my phone on me.

Where did I leave it? Damn it! I tapped my pockets.

"What's up?" Luke asked me

"I've done something with my phone. I can't remember where I put it!" I asked him slightly panicked.

"Is it a white iPhone 5C?" Louis asked me


"It's next door! I saw it earlier"

"Oh thanks Louis!" I smiled at him and let go of Luke's hand as I got up and wondered through to the other room.

It was really really dark I could barely see anything. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face, that's how dark it was, my senses went into overdrive and I swear I could smell the sweat soaking the air. I started to get a bit scared. I felt my heartbeat speed up and my breathing got fast. Weirdly, the same thing that happened to me when Luke kisses me...

I tried to feel my way around for the light switch and then I heard some stifled sniffs. I froze.

What the hell.

It was really close to me. Where was it coming from?!

Thankfully I found the light switch and flicked it on.

I screamed and jumped as Harry was sniffing with bright red eyes, leaning by the light switch, so close to my face. He looked so weak and I just wanted to hug him, as much as I hated his guts.

"Are you..are you okay?" I was sort of speechless. I wasn't expecting to ever see him in this kind of state.

He just looked at me with so much pain in his eyes.

"Do you want a hug?" My sympathetic side took over.

And I wrapped my arms around him. And pulled him close. I felt him cry against me.

"What the hell happened Harry? Everyone's been looking for you?"

Before he had time to answer, there was a crash as Luke and Ash came falling through the door.

I jumped away from Harry.

"What...what's going on?" Luke looked confused but angry, from me to Harry

"We heard you scream." Ash added.

"I was looking for my phone and the light was off so as I turned on the light switch, Harry made me jump cuz I wasn't expecting to see him there." I explained to them honestly.

"You alright?" Ash asked Harry looking concerned.

Harry sniffed and nodded.

"Did you find your phone?" Luke asked me, blatantly ignoring Harry. He wasn't even looking at him.

"Not yet" I shook my head and swallowed.

I moved away from Harry, Luke and Ash and searched the room.

"Do you want me to ring it?" Luke offered

"Yes please" I nodded

Eventually I found it, it was under a table under a pile of clothes.

"Cool. Well I'm gonna go back and find the other lads." Ash said

"We're coming" Luke nodded and looked at me.

I shot Harry a warning glance and then I followed Ash.

Harry and Luke didn't follow us out.


"Seriously Harry you need to lay off my girlfriend. This is getting ridiculous" Luke glared at me.

"I haven't touched her."

He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Really? I know you like her." He smirked at me being the cocky little shit he was.

I could easily throw one punch at him and he'd been on the floor.

He started to walk out

"So she's your official girlfriend now then?" I smirked, I knew this would wind him up.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He snapped.

"Well she told me you hadn't asked her officially yet" I smirked

"Fuck off." He snarled "my relationship with Ivy is none of your fucking business."

I smirked. "Does she cuddle up to you like she does with me? When we sleep together. In her bed."

Luke lost it and shoved me against the wall, hard with a crash, holding me with his arm.

"Stay away from her you prick" he snarled "if you so much as attempt to go near her again I will fucking kill you."

Just then there was a bang as Ivy, Liam and Ash came crashing through the door.

"Luke!" Ivy screeched and ran over to him, trying to pull him off me.

"Come on Luke. Don't." Ash grabbed his arm hard and dragged him off me. Luke angrily shook Ash off and stormed out the room.

I smirked.

"Not cool mate" Liam shook his head at me.

Ivy looked like she was about to burst into tears...

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