Chapter 8

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A/N: I promised a Double Update!! And here it is! It's a long chapter and it took me ages to write but I really hope you guys like it! I was worried there was too much drama but there you go!

While writing this I listened to:

Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out), Fake Plastic Trees

Miguel - Use Me

Nirvana - Where Did You Sleep Last Night, Come As You Are, All Apologies, Dumb & The Man Who Sold The World

The Arctic Monkeys - I Wanna Be Yours


***LUKE'S POV***

I kept looking over to Harry and Ivy on the sofa. Im not going to lie. It pissed me off seeing them together. Ivy looked upset. I stopped singing.

"Luke! What are you doing!?" Michael shouted. The boys all stopped and followed my gaze.

Ivy had her hand on her forehead. She wasn't okay.

I put my guitar down gently and started to go over to her. Suddenly she just bombed and ran out the room.

"Harry what happened?" I walked over to him and the other lads followed me.

"She was reading her mentions on Twitter." He frowned

Oh god.

I picked up her phone and read through some of the tweets. Cal and Ash looked over my shoulder. They shocked me cuz some of them were really nasty.

"I'm gonna go after her" I said and bombed after her out the room trying to guess which way she'd gone.

"Luke! We all will!" Cal shouted

"Cool!" I saw the other lads head in different directions.

I knew I was going the right way because I could smell her. She wore this perfume and it just smelt so amazing. It was indescribable!

I had to get to her before anyone else.

I turned the corner and I saw her hunched up against the wall.

Oh my god she looked so upset. I legged it over to her.

***IVY'S POV***

Suddenly Luke appeared round the corner and turned and saw me.

He ran over to me and sat down next to me.

"Ivy. Come here" he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped me in his arms tightly, I wrapped myself around him and cried into his shoulder, his smell comforted me. I always felt safe when I was with Luke. He kissed my head and just let me cry. I don't know how long I cried for but it felt like ages.

I finally stopped and looked up and saw Cal and Michael standing slightly further down the corridor, looking really sad. They didn't know whether to come up to us or not.

"I'm sorry." I said to Luke.

"Why? You don't need to be sorry. The people on Twitter need to be sorry."

"Harry told you what happened then?"

"Yeah. Well I saw some of the tweets"

I sniffed and sat up.

"I'm not usually like this it's just I've had a bit of an emotional day."

Cal and Michael had come over to us now and Michael crouched in front of me and Cal sat the other side of me.

"You're allowed to have emotional days. Everyone does. It's totally okay" Michael said

"Yeah and whatever those girls said. I only read a few but don't let it bother you. At the end of the day you're the one here with us! They aren't"

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