Episode 52: I'm baaaack

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            “Ahh!” screamed Daloris as her face slammed into a set of lockers. She somehow managed to remove Trista’s hands as she spun around and slapped Trista and then grabbed her blonde hair. Trista wanted to use her ability to send Daloris flying down the hall, but instead, she just curled her fist and punched Daloris in her face. This caused Daloris to let go on Trista’s hair and they soon started rolling in the middle of the hallway floor, attacking each other as everyone gathered around hooting and hollering.

While on the floor, Daloris climbed on top of Trista and pinned her down.

            “Damn you!” Trista paused for a moment; Daloris’ eyes flashed a grey color as suddenly all of the lockers around them flung opened one by one.

            “Cat Fight!” yelled some guys. “Principal’s coming!” shouted a couple females. The fight started to become vicious when security guards suddenly broke it up.

“Alright that’s enough! Break it up you two now!” ordered Principal Chapman. With help he pulled the ladies apart and moved them into his office where a small discussion took place, causing both of them to miss their remaining classes. For the rest of the day, everyone at school kept talking about the fight between the two Alpha females

              “Great…just great. Two week suspension,” complained Trista, walking out of the main office. She placed the red slip into her side pocket and managed to retrieve her things from her locker and proceeded out of the building when a sudden whisper caused her to stop. Wind caused her hair to be blown in front of her face and caused her to be alarm as she darted her eyes back and forth.

She looked forward seeing a guy in a rope with the hood covering his face. She felt an unnatural aura around him and began to panic.

            “Wind!” shouted Trista, using her elemental magic against the foe, forcing a whirl of wind heading his way.

            “Venté,” cast the guy, pointing at the whirling wind with his right hand that was the horn sign. The guy started approaching and to her establishment, the whirling wind latterly shattered, disappearing as if it hadn’t happened.

            “AHH!” she screamed, being tackled by the guy, hitting the floor hard as a pair of claws punctured three lockers that was right behind Trista. She looked up as a classroom door opened up more and a familiar figured stepped out.

            “You didn’t think I was done playing with you…”

            “…Yaris,” said Trista in a gasp of fear.

            “I’ve missed you so much. I know you felt the same way. Who’s you friend?”

            “Get off of me,” said Trista, yanking the hood off, revealing the guy who appeared in the castle. “You!” Yaris lunged forward the guy cast a spell that sent Trista sliding forward on the floor. Trista lifted up her hands and did a flip, landing on her feet.

            This caused Yaris to halt her attack as the guy quickly stood up and flicked his hand, sending Yaris back. Yaris’eyes flashed animalisticly as she swung, but missed placing a dent in a locker.

            “You…there!” cast the guy, taking his horn signed hand and swung it from right to left. This force made Yaris move from where she was standing, straight into the classroom she stepped out of, crashing into a set of desks. When the guy turned his attention back on Trista, she was gone. 

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