Episode 57: The White Diamond

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            “My…my future son?” stuttered Princess Aureka as she stood up slowly.

            “We don’t have much time. According to my sources, Chakca has already collected both boots and left gauntlet,” said Prince Leo.

            “Wait wait. You’re from the future?” asked Trista, trying to get some straight answers.

            “…yes, I come from Imperial City of the 22nd Century. Chakca will use Dycoon, I mean my dad as a sacrifices to bring Xiong back to life.”

            “She’s going to kill our Prince…why him?” asked Angela.

            “That I cannot say. I’m here to change a specific part in the future thus I can only explain to a certain depth,” explained Prince Leo. Princess Aureka walked over and gave her son a hug and whispered,

            “It’s good to see you then.” She let go of him and looked at the others and said, “We have to find him before the ceremony.”

            “Riiiight…ummm, one tiny small problem,” said Prince Leo.

            “What?” asked Travis

            “Promise you won’t freak?” he asked Princess Aureka who was puzzled. “I kinda…lost the Florra Crystal,” he said with a fake smile.

            “YOU WHAT!!” screamed Princess Aureka that caused the whole entire building to rumble for a second.

            “You said you wouldn’t freak,” complained Prince Leo.

            “Vyga be damned! You lost our family’s precious artifact?!” she asked seriously.

            “Aureka, it wasn’t my fault. It must have fallen out when I came here or something. I sense it by Junglar.”

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