Episode 60: The Gauntlet

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"Dammed!" cussed Jenna, seeing that they were now the only people in the cave.

"We had them," said Trista.

"Daloris...is being controlled. More crap on our things to do list," complained Angela.

"What should we do now?" asked Jenna.

"Let's...head back to Cloud Nine," suggested Travis

Before they knew it, they were back at Cloud Nine where the princess and Leo greeted them.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Chakca took this huge crystal thing with two dragons on the sides," explained Jenna.

"We have to figure out where her base is at," said Leo.

"What...what's that on your ear?" asked Angela curiously.

"It's the White Diamond Crystal...tenth evolutionary stage of the crystal," said Princess Aureka.

"Tenth transformation?" asked Trista.

"You mean the crystal is ten generation old?" asked Travis

"Yes. Those who are born in the Royal Family to set them apart from others in the Kingdom we keep our last names throughout marriage," explained the princess.

"But you only have one...well two now last names," said Jenna.

"There comes a time when a generation is picked to fuse all of their last names into one single name after marriage thus restarting the cycle over again, which my parents was that generation," she explained.

"Out of curiosity...what is your full family name?" asked Trista.

"HELLO! Future in danger here!" shouted Leo, trying to get everyone back on track.

"I'll tell it to you all when I become queen. I don't think Chakca is in Th'rial," she said.

"Then where could she be...better yet, how can we find her?" asked Leo.

"You're future boy, you tell us," said Trista which Jenna stepped on her foot, telling her telepathically that he is a prince and to have some respect.

"We'll use the gauntlet. Since she has the rest of the armor, it will be drown to the others and with enough power, it will be able to point the way," suggested Princess Aureka.

"Worth a shot," said Travis, getting the gauntlet.

"Leo, I will need your aid to suppress the negativity," she asked.

"Oh ummm, sure," he said hesitantly. Travis gave the princess the armored glove while she and Leo placed their hands over it. They began concentrating, syncing their power as the gauntlet started to shake from the princess' other hand. It then lifted up and pointed up at the sky, passed the two planets close to Th'rial.

"I don't get it?" asked Trista.

"By the gods...unlike yours, our solar system is made up of ten planets. The tenth one being a chaotic planet called Hexsidus. Similar to the Earth as it was first being molded," she explained.

"Molded? As in volcanoes, melted rock, etc?" asked Trista.

"Wow, you actually stayed awake in Earth Science?" asked Zac. Trista just gave Zac a scolding look.

"We must leave now and stop them. But before that, I must insist you transform again and Knight up," said Princess Aureka.

They all stood in a V formation with Travis being in the middle. They materialized their swords through their platonic solids around their neck. With their Katana's pointed forward Travis began the transformation,

"Elemental Warriors..." he brought his sword over his head, almost touching his back. Zac and Angela crossed swords, touching Travis' while Jenna and Trista placed their swords on Zac and Angela's.

"Earth...Fire...Wind...Water...Lighting," each of them said.

"UNITE!" shouted Travis, lifting up his and everyone else's as a barrage of red, blue, green, white, and yellow light bombarded them. The light attached to their skin, transforming into armor.

The ground covered Jenna with dirt, upon hardening into armor. She was wearing an emerald breastplate and backplate. Her hands were ingauntlets, but her arms were exposed. Jenna was also wearing a leather belt type armored skirt. Her spiked out hair wasn't spiked anymore, but down and long, covering most of the backplate. Her hair fully green now, but the tips were black. The shard's power inside the Cube around her neck transferred from there to her hand as she grabbed her Katana, transforming it as well. It transformed into a giant heavy sized axe looking-type sword, "I am the Elementalist of Earth!"

Fire engulfed Zac, upon hardening into armor. He had the same thing Jenna had, but his armor was the color ruby, his arm was completely covered, but he had Plate armor instead of a skirt for the legs, knees, and ankles. The shard's power inside the Tetrahedron around his neck transferred from there to his hand as he grabbed his Katana, transforming it as well. It transformed into a double-bladed sword, "I am the Elementalist of Fire!"

The winds twist and turn around Trista, upon hardening into armor. She was wearing the same armor Jenna was wearing, but it took upon a diamond-type color. The shard's power inside the Octahedron around her neck transferred from there to her hand as she grabbed her Katana, transforming it as well. It transformed into butterfly swords which the outer handles had spikes, "I am the Elementalist of Wind!"

Water took over Angela, upon hardening into armor. She had the same armor as the other girls, but hers took on the color of sapphire. The shard's power inside the Icosahedron around her neck transferred from there to her hand as she grabbed her Katana, transforming it as well. It transformed into a black bladed sword, "I am the Elementalist of Water!"

Lightning kindled Travis, upon hardening into armor. He had the same armor Zac had, but it took on the color of amethyst. The shard's power inside the Dodecahedron around his neck transferred from there to his hand as he grabbed his Katana, transforming it as well. It transformed into hook swords, "I am the Elementalist of Lightning!" All five to them stood together and said as one, "Together we are the Elemental Knights!"

"Transporte venta!" cast Princess Aureka as the Vorpax opened up. They stepped inside of the swirling green shade of light, which sent them to the tenth planet Hexsidus.

Witches of the Elements - Book 9: Bringer of PowerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora