Episode 55: Dress to Possess III

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            “What are you doing here?” she asked.

            “A green form of miasma is spreading within the kingdom. We need you all to come back to Th’rial,” explained Prince Dycoon.

            “Well we need to get Zac and Angela,” said Trista. Travis tugged her, which caused her to turn toward his direction, seeing over him she saw Angela waving her cell phone in the air, trying to get our attention with Zac by her side.

            They came together and started exiting the back of the club when all of as sudden the music switched to “System.” This chick with silky long black hair, and piercing dark eyes stood in the middle of the dance floor, her attention solely on Prince Dycoon.

            She began swinging her hips at the beginning of the beat, getting his attention not based on her body language, but mostly on her stare. She lifted her right hand up and slowly told Dycoon to come here.

            “What is this heifer doing?” asked Jenna.

            “I dunno, but Dycoon is married,” stressed Angela.

            “Did we move?” asked Zac. They started to notice that there was some distance from them to Dycoon when they swore they were standing right next to him a moment ago. 

            “This heifer lost her damn mind,” said Angela. The chick coiled her hands and as if on command, more and more people started to get in front of the gang, separating them from Dycoon even more.

            Suddenly, her back was placed on Dycoon’s chest, as her hand caressed the back of his neck so gently and yet seductively. Her body was moving to the music as the prince just stood there as if frozen by some un-seeable hypnotic spell of some sort. She then pushed off of him and turned around to face him and only him. Her hands were moving all around, but in winding motions as her stomach and hips started to move in a up and down movement.

            Her hand went out to Dycoon, telling him to come to her. 

            “Wig-ji!” shouted a voice over the loudness coming from the DJ booth. The chick darted her eyes back and forth as Dycoon seem to be back to his old self, and headed back over toward the gang. The chick glared, enraged and yet…what’s done is done.

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