( ˘ ³˘)♥ Choosing (♥ω♥*) [EDITED]

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Ever since I received that call from Yasmine the other day, I've been worrying constantly.

I really, really don't wanna hurt other people's feelings.. 

and ever since Yasmine called, I think I've made my mind up on who I want to be with..

I really hope this doesn't break my friendships.

I call Yasmine.

"Hey Yasmine."

"Oh hey Lizzie! What's up?"

"What location should I do this in?"

"I don't know.. somewhere quite, and calming..?"

"Okay.. and Yasmine?" 


"I'm nervous. I don't want the two people hating me."

"I don't think anyone will hate you, from what I know.. all three of them are mature. But honestly, it really depends on the person though...."


"Well, good luck Lizzie!"

"Yeah.. thanks.."

Call ends.

Yasmine made me feel a bit better. I guess I have to choose a location..

After millions, upon millions of google searches later, I end up finding the best location.

"A cherry tree? Why not.."

20 minutes later, Lizzie arrives.

"Now, I guess I just call Asuna, Sasha and Oli over here.." 

ANOTHER 20 minutes later.

All three of them arrive!

"Lizzie, what're you doing here? What's wrong?" Asuna yells

"Same question I had." Oli says.

"As you all know, you've recently went on a date with me. All three of you."

"Yeah.." Sasha says

"Well, remember the thing I explained? I have to make a choice. One of you will be chosen, and the two of you will not. This "thing"  was made when all three of you confessed to me.."

"Oh.. I get it now." Oli says

Asuna, and Sasha nod their heads up and down.

"I've made up my mind on who I wanna be with.." I sigh loudly. "But before I tell you who I've chosen, I guess I wanna tell you how you all met me."

"Okay.." They all say.

Asuna gets shakey, Sasha gets sweaty, and Oli bites his nails.

"Oli, I met you back when we were younger. We met when I got bullied in school, which was a difficult time for me. But you were always there for me, and you stood  up for me. After school, we'd always play some video games together, and you always made me laugh ridiculously with your dumb jokes." I say. "And I thank you so much for sticking up for me when nobody else did, I might've fallen into depression if you weren't there.. and thank you for comforting me with the situation with Joel. Without you, I probably would've been really broken."

Oli gives me a huge smile.

"Sasha, I met you just 5 years ago. I was playing video games on my phone, and you checked out what I was playing.. you told me that you also played it.. I added you, and we quickly became amazing friends. I really enjoyed hanging out with you, and you always made me laugh aswell.. and we have so many inside jokes nobody would understand except us." I giggle. 

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