The Triforce of Power

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It was raining. Each droplet hit her skin like rocks, leaving bruises on her golden olive skin. The wind swirled around her, her short red hair flying into her face. When she finally pulled her hair out of the way, she could see what was happening before her. The sky had turned red, and so had the stars and the moon, flashes of lightning illuminating the horrific sight. A voe stood before her. He wore black armor and had a blood red cape flying in the wind. He was a Gerudo, with dark olive skin and red hair. His eyes were gold, the malice clear on his face. Before him was the golden shape of three triangles. The Triforce.

She drew her swords, two scimitars, and ran at him. He obviously couldn't hear her or see her, or anything. It was like he was too absorbed in his greed. He stretched out his hand and was inches away from touching the Triforce.

Just in time, she spun out in front of him, cutting the back of his hand. She faced the voe, her back to the Triforce. She had to protect it. Make sure this voe didn't get it's power.

"Step aside, girl," He laughed, but his laughter was void of glee.

"You're not worthy of it's power," she told him, bravely staring his down.

"And you are? You. The ruler of a dead kingdom. You couldn't even protect your own people and yet you intend to protect the greatest gift in existence,"

His words stung.

She pointed a scimitar at his throat, "Get out of here, Ganondorf," How did she know his name?

He laughed again.

She lashed out, her blade cutting his cheek, and then spun around and placed a hand on the Triforce.

There was a bright golden shine as everything else seemed to fade from the world.

And then she jerked awake. She was in bed in the Gerudo palace, wrapped in silk sheets and covered in sweat. She could see the sun rising before her, rising up from the mountains.

The Dream... It was unlike any dream she had ever had. It felt like she was there, facing whoever that voe was, Ganondorf. His name felt so familiar to her, and yet she had never heard the name before in her entire life.

Her eyes glanced over the back of her hand just now noticing something had changed. The Triforce, it seemed, had been tattooed over her hand. What? That had never been there before.

Saiota finally rolled out of bed, confused by the dream and the tattoo and way too tired for all of it. She changed into her daily attire. Completely made out of black silks and gold, it looked like what most Gerudo wore. It was simple, and that's what she liked the most. She brushed her hair out of her face, her bangs falling straight over her forehead, her short hair swinging over her pointed ears, no longer than chin-length. For a final touch, a gold and ruby headpiece.

She walked barefoot down the stairs and past Kenuta — one of the guards — and onto her throne. To her left, marching out of her room, was Unoro, Saiota's personal guard.

"Sav'otta," Saiota said groggily, "Sleep well?"

"I slept wonderfully, Lady Saiota," Unoro responded, she definitely sounded like it too,

"I wish I could say the same for myself," Saiota muttered, "I had a bad dream last night," She glanced over at her guard, "It was— it was very troubling,"

She could tell the news worried Unoro.

After a moment, Unoro spoke up again, "I know just the thing to cheer you up," she said almost snarkily. Then she left the room again. Saiota sat in the throne room for a few more moments before Unoro returned with a steaming mug. She already knew what it was.

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