The Possession

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Tears ran down Saiota's cheeks. She was caged in some kind of prison. Her back was laid flat against the stone ground, her tangled hair sprawled wildly around her. Unclimbable stone cliff sides surrounded her, engulfing her in this stone pit, thousands of feet below the ground. Above her was that same black sky. No sun, no moon, no stars. She was trapped in isolation.

She remembered that last encounter with Ganon. The sword impaling her chest, the agonizing pain. Sure enough, the scar was there. A deafened gold light shone out from the cracks of her skin. Her skin was another thing, it had returned to her old glow. It was healthy and normal, she could only assume the same for her eyes. She didn't feel sick at all, that constant aching in her head had gone away. Even the Triforce had returned to her hand, but it felt cruel. She knew what must've happened. She knew he would be taking over her body, and that he probably had. He had to be taking control of Gerudo Town as she thought this.

As for her, it seemed this was her fate, to suffer this hell for eternity. What else could she do? No matter what she'd tried in the past, she lost. This was her fate, right? She could only wish Link and Zelda good luck. It was their fight now.

The doors opened wide for him. Within seconds, he was being hugged tightly by some blonde figure. He stood there shocked for a brief moment, before forcing himself to smile and hug back. It was too early for anyone to be suspicious of him.

"Saiota! Where have you been?! Why did you leave?" the princess said.

"I— I had something I needed to do," he said, the feminine voice of his body calling out.

Behind the princess, her knight squinted his eyes at him as if noticing that something seemed off.

Saiota was back her own world. What was that? Some kind of flash to what he was doing? His thoughts?

Her headache returned with that vision. It wasn't painful much, just a dull ache in the back of her head. What did this mean? Why was she the one with the Triforce?

She thought hard about it for only a couple seconds. It probably meant nothing. Besides, what could she possibly do now? He won. She lost. It was as simple as that.

She tried to close her eyes again, calm her head of the storm of thoughts that had been brewing. But something kept nagging her, that she could overpower him, and take her body back. She silenced her thoughts and waited.

The thing about waiting for eternity in this prison of her was that it was boring. She'd much rather be making some kind of plan. Try to get the upper hand again. She finally got up to her feet, her legs shaking from inactivity. Maybe there was something here that she had dismissed. Just as she was making her way to the walls, her chest throbbed slightly, a ghost of her injury, and she got the feeling she wasn't alone anymore.

She turned her head slightly, just as she heard a quite "No..."

Once she'd turned around she found her constant companion, Ganondorf. But he wasn't facing her, nor did he even seem like he knew she was there. He was looking in horror at their surroundings as if he recognized it. Saiota got the feeling that this wasn't her hell, it was his.

"You recognize this place?" she asked him, any past fury being replaced with curiosity.

He just now realized she was here with him.

"I'm surprised you haven't tried to kill me yet," he said, still looking around this prison. As he turned, it changed. The cliffs were shorter, and they were being carved by some invisible force, turning it into an arena. The stands stood a hundred feet above them. As Ganon turned to face the center of the stone pit, a body materialized at his feet. It was a Hylian Voe, he had dark skin and was very muscular, his face painted into a look of betrayal, his entire figure bloodied.

"You killed him?" Saiota asked, trying to figure out what this place was,

"I'd do it again in an instant," he said, his temper flaring.

The body vanished from his feet. A grin came to her face, and she clenched her hand. The voe appeared behind Ganon.

"I thought we were in this forever!" the voe said gruffly, clutching a mangled sword, "You betrayed me!"

"Stop it, girl," Ganondorf growled,

The voe shouted and stabbed at Ganon, but he was too slow. Ganon quickly dodged the attack, grabbing his blade and using it to stab the voe in the chest. He gasped and stumbled back before vanishing.

"I said stop," fury filled his voice.

Saiota didn't stop, she couldn't. Now she had some kind of advantage. Using her power again, Ganon froze in place; petrified, just as she'd been so many times. This same voe reappeared again, but now there was 20 of him, every single apparition stabbing at Ganondorf, letting him feel their hatred, her hatred.

"STOP!" Ganon screamed, breaking free of her hold in his wrath, the apparitions vanished.

"No." She murmured, freezing him again, walking slowly towards him, "I won't stop. Not after everything you did to me. I will never stop,"

A dagger appeared in her hand and she stabbed him in the chest, then she twisted it and pulled the blade out, and then stabbed him again.

"Why should I?" her face twisted into a sick smile and she stabbed him again, and again, and again, and again. She could see the pain in his eyes, his inability to do anything against her, and her smile widened, "Now you know how I felt."

She ripped the dagger out and stabbed him in the throat. He vanished, but her smile didn't fade.

It was cruel irony. It started with him storming the gates, so she stormed his gates. She rid him of his body, so he took her's away. He diseased her day and night, and so she will return the favor. It felt like a constant cycle, and it would end with either Saiota or Ganondorf dying for good. And she was perfectly okay with that.   

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