The Return

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Saiota lurched forward out of bed with a gasp of air. It was funny how she hadn't even considered the fact that she wasn't breathing in that hell of her's.

She gathered her senses. It was pitch black. She was wrapped up in silk, she'd forgotten how she loved the texture of silk. A fragrant scent filled her nose, it smelt like honey and spice, and it smelt amazing. She'd missed her life.

It had to be the middle of the night. She hadn't been sleeping long— or rather he hadn't.

Ganondorf. It couldn't be too long before she remembered him. She snapped her fingers and the candles by her bed lit, how did she know candles were there? She carefully climbed out of bed and concentrated her power. She shut her close and held out her hand. Through her eyelids, she saw the normal golden light. Then she felt choked and opened her eyes in shock. The same red dust was shooting out of the scar on her chest, it created a formation, coming together to shape the body of a person. With a slight burn at the back of her hand, and a bright glowing she couldn't see through. Ganondorf appeared in front of her. He took a sharp intake of air and flexed his fingers.

When he saw her, he immediately moved to choke her but was instead bound by golden chains.

"Remember, we have a deal," Saiota said, trying to ignore her disgust of the man, "You are bound by the Triforce to follow this deal and to not harm me in any way,"

"I don't remember that being discussed," Ganon growled,

"It went unsaid,"

Before he could say any objections the door burst open and Unoro's daughter came in, the Triforce probably alerted her.

"Could you knock?" Saiota snapped, pinching the bridge of her nose.

But the Vai was too panicked to hear her apparently, she looked seconds away from screaming at the sight of Ganon in her room.

"Don't scream," she commanded, and the vai froze,

"Wh— What is he doing here?!" she screeched,

"I've been here this entire time, you idiot," Ganon said,

"Not. Helping." she muttered furiously at him, and the sighed, "What's your name?"

The vai looked at her confused, "It's Kesair," she said slowly.

"Look, Kesair, there's a lot of explaining I need to do, can you call together some kind of meeting with the other— I don't know, officials? And announce it to the rest of town," Saiota said, "I promise I will explain everything and answer all questions,"

Kesair still looked very scared and confused, but nodded and left.

"You handled that well," Ganon said behind her,

"Was that a compliment?"

"If we are going to work together," he looked like he died a little inside upon saying that, "We should at least not be hostile,"

Saiota raised an eyebrow, "Not be hostile?" she could laugh, "'Hostile' describes our relationship,"

They both stood there in awkward silence.

"I suppose I better find you a room," she started to say, but Ganondorf was already heading for the door, "Be in the Throne Room by 8," he grunted his acknowledgment.

Why the hell did she think this was a good idea? Saiota thought, staring out at the ever growing crowd of people in her Throne Room. Closest to her throne was Kesair, looking eager for answers. Through the crack in the closest door, she could see the red hair and the olive skin of her new partner.

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