The Epilogue

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"Aadil!" someone shouted, "Wake up!"

Aadil couldn't care less about waking up. He just rolled over in bed and started snoring again.

Something soft and heavy was thrown at his head and he heard a door close. This woke him up. He groaned and rubbed his head, messing up his hair in the process. The thing that woke him up was the usual pile of clothes that Kesair brought in every morning. That had to be who was yelling at him. He quickly got changed.

This outfit was practically the same as every outfit he wore. No, exactly the same. It was the same outfit, he never changed it up. It was the usual Gerudo Voe armor. With black puffy pants and golden boots, along with some kind of golden arm plate that was fitted to his arm exactly, and red cloth underneath this, leaving the rest of his body bare. He left out the headpiece. He didn't like wearing the bulky thing, it hurt his head.

He checked himself out in the mirror and grinned. Damn, he looked fine today. The messy hair was perfect for his look.

Finally he left his room and headed downstairs. He caught himself admiring the details on the walls. Somehow, golden streaks had been mixed into the walls creating a sort of pattern. Kesair told him that his mother had created the entire palace in seconds. How? It seemed so masterful, he couldn't conceive that such a thing could be created with such ease.

Kesair was waiting for him downstairs in the hallways.

"Finally! You're awake!" she snapped, approaching him, her hands on her hips, "You're so lazy!"

"Good morning to you too, Kesair," he smirked.

Kesair was — well — what wasn't she? She was his servant, his caretaker, practically his mother. She was an older Gerudo Vai, specks of grey in her red hair. She wore the typical gerudo outfit, with a blue coloration and an apron.

"Come on, we've got places to be," she said, grabbing a patch of his hair and dragging him along with her as she marched out of the palace.

"Hey!" Aadil shouted, tugging his head out of her grasp.

From the market streets, he overheard a bit of conversation from some other kids, "'The Golden Queen' did nothing, why is she so loved here?"

Aadil snapped his head towards the kid who said it. It was a group of kids. Some of them looked Hylian, some of them were Gerudo girls. He strode over to them.

"I honestly can't understand why," the pompous hylian brat said, "All she did was put a madman on the throne,"

The other Gerudo kids recognised Aadil as he walked up to the group.

"If I were you, I would shut up," Aadil smiled at the kid, furious inside.

"What's it to you," the kid sneered,

"I don't know," he said, downplaying it, "Maybe because you have now insulted both of my parents, but you can continue if you want to be punched in the face,"

He could see the blood leak from the kid's face.

"I— I didn't mean it like that," he said.

"Well, you see, I did," Aadil smirked and shoved his knee into the kid's gut. He doubled over, coughing.

"Aadil!" He heard Kesair shout, even the other kids cowered, "What in the world has gotten into you!!" she snapped, striding over and grabbing his arm, yanking him away and back through the streets.

"He insulted my mother," Aadil said as Kesair dragged him by, "It was a matter of pride!"

"You can't just attack people like that," she said, "You have to take it and turn the other cheek,"

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