The Attack

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The rest of the day was quite hectic, she was forced to stay in the throne room all day while Unoro and the rest of the guard rushed all over town. All of the Gerudo were put on a strict schedule, anyone who wasn't in service were told to stay home, and everyone had to be in their homes after 6 PM, everyone except the guard. They barely had enough vai to fulfill the security she wanted. Unoro and the current Captain of the Guard, Resem, were constantly rushing throughout town, making sure everyone was in their post.

After an eternity, it was 6 PM, the sun still high in the sky. Kenuta cleared her throat.

"Lady Saiota," she said nervously, "It's time,"

She nodded and got out of her throne, cramped from sitting down all day. She followed Kenuta upstairs again and into her room. Curtains had been drawn around the room, acting as walls. Then again, what good would curtains do against an arrow or sword? She immediately moved for the curtains to watch over Gerudo Town, when Kenuta stopped her.

"All due respect, but Unoro told me to keep you from leaving the curtained area,"

"So she wants me to cower in here completely oblivious to anything that happens?" Saiota asked pointedly, "I'll give you new orders, you and the rest of the guards do your jobs and protect me from danger. As for the "staying in the curtained area" forget it,"

"Um... okay," Kenuta said, it was obvious she was still really nervous.

"Look, everything's probably going to fine," She said, trying to assuage her nerves, "All of this is just precaution,"

"Because of the voe you met this morning?"

She nodded, "Yes, I had a bad feeling he might come back,"

"But why? What was so different about him that made you think that?"

Saiota thought, what was so different about him? Everything.

"I've met plenty voe before," she said slowly, thinking hard, "Most are typically hot headed idiots, some of them are respectful, but I've never met a voe so malicious." She remembered the conversation, the little details that the average person would miss. How interested he was in the mark of the Triforce, how in control he was of his emotions after she rejected him, how wary he was of the guards. In the end, all of his little actions led her to the conclusion that he wasn't as peaceful as he said he was. "He came pretending to be peaceful when all he really wanted was power," she stated.

And at that, she drew open the curtains and walked out to the balcony. The sun still shone over Gerudo Town. She watched as all the vendors cleaned up shop and walked away to their homes, the visitors heading to the inn. Guards marched all across town. She caught Unoro returning to the palace. She quickly went to meet her.

She caught Unoro coming upstairs.

"Is everything going okay?" She asked quickly, "You and Resem have everything covered?"

"Everything is fine, Saiota. Right now, my top concern is making sure you're safe,"

They reached the top of the stairs.

"You know I am a good fighter, I can join the guard,"

"No," Unoro said, staring her down, "I need you to have a good night's rest,"

As if that would happen,

"Let me help, Unoro," she said, "I have to make sure my people are safe,"

She didn't respond for a while. Instead, standing there, facing Saiota.

"If we're lucky, nothing will happen," Unoro murmured after a while, "Now I suggest you try to get some rest,"

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