The Exile

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She stopped herself and slowed down for a moment, staring out the window to Gerudo Town. She was still weak, after all, and unprepared. The clothes the kind vai had brought were still laying on the dresser, that would be a good place to start. She quickly changed into these new clothes.

They were made out of black silk, but they weren't the average Gerudo clothing. It was like some kind of loose fitting romper, full length pants warmed her legs and the top of it was like a tank top, but the straps were thin and tied around her neck like a necklace, and her back was exposed to the air. Some gold jewelry was laid down with the outfit, an intricately designed armlet wrapped around her bicep, a dazzling golden necklace, and a circlet. She left the circlet on the dresser but put on the rest, as well as some golden slippers. Even though none of this was necessary, especially if she was going to hide somewhere forever, it felt good to be like one of her people, to be a Gerudo Chief again.

Her heart suddenly hurt. She would have to leave again, probably never come back. She had just gotten Gerudo Town back and she'd have to leave again. It was cruel. But she had to go. She would never let Ganondorf touch her home again.

She finally left her room for the first time, wandering around unfamiliar halls, trying to find some kind of kitchen so she could pack up for her exile. She felt disgusted by the castle, at his influence and horrible interior design.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, she found food and packed it all up in a bag. She snuck out a back door just as the sun started to appear on the edge of the horizon. She walked through the sand for hours, until the sun was high in the sky.

Saiota was close to the mountains when she heard a voice, an impossible voice.

"Do you think you can get rid of me that easily?"


She turned around and there he was. Standing there, a wolfish grin on his face, was Ganondorf, looking just as she remembered in her dream, with the triforce gleaming on his hand. He looked slightly transparent in the sunlight.

"You're not really here," Saiota said flatly, "You can't be,"

"I'm with you wherever you go. There's nothing you can do that'll get rid of me,"

"I hate you,"

"Yes, well," he shrugged, "That's not going to do anything, isn't it?"

She seethed in hatred towards the voe. She saw his face alone and it was agonizing. She took a furious breath, keeping a hand on her scimitar.

"I HATE YOU!" she screamed in agonizing fury, drawing her swords and stabbing this apparition in seconds. He vanished. It might've done nothing, but gods it felt so satisfying.

She stood there panting, almost surprised that Ganon didn't continue to haunt her. She collected herself and continued trudging on through the sands.

Saiota traveled like this for hours, days, almost an entire week. After scaling the mountains that surrounded the desert, she headed south, towards the ocean, and started sailing out for as far as she could see, praying she would find an island where she could strand herself. Apparitions of Ganon would pop up every once and a while and he'd laugh at her and she'd cut him in half. After so many times, she got tired of it all, and she would take anybody to talk to after sailing out for so long.

The thing that truly terrified her was anytime her eyes closed. Every single time, she would be standing in that starless desert, and he would always be there. She was sick and tired of seeing him everywhere, him being thrust into her thoughts every couple of minutes. She was sick of him. And that headache, oh god, that headache. Over the days after she'd left it only got worse and worse. The headache became a migraine, and the migraine became more and more severe as time went on.

It was the dawn of a new day. It was the fifth day since she'd left Gerudo Town again. She'd just awoken from some kind of dream that had her on the ground, frozen, while Ganondorf stuck a thousand knives into her head. Waking up, it felt like she had a thousand knives stabbed into her brain. The pain was excruciating, black spots covered her vision, and everything seemed 10 times brighter than before, the sound of the waves engulfing her in some kind of hell. It felt like she was screaming, but she didn't hear anything. It felt like she was writhing in pain, rolling around against her raft, but her senses were so overwhelming she didn't know what she was doing.

And then everything stopped. The pain lessened, the sun went back to normal, the sounds of the waves around her was muted. Even the rocking of the raft stopped. No, wait, the raft itself stopped. She got to her feet and stopped in horror. Time had — yet again — frozen, the ocean and the raft with it. The sun looked like it had gone black, and above her, the sky turned to night, but the stars were all missing. No...

All of the sudden, she felt like she was choking, she tried to cough, but nothing came out. Some kind of red dust started to form around her body and then shot out of her chest. She fell to the floor gasping for air. There was a slow, long, laugh from above her. She slowly rose her head.

He looked exactly like the last time she saw him, dressed in that black armor. He was facing the eternity that was the ocean.

"What did you expect to achieve by coming all the way out here?" he asked her slowly, "To stop me? As if someone as weak as you could stop me,"

She slowly got to her feet. His words stung, she felt drained of all hope, completely empty inside.

"What are you going to do now?" she asked, her voice dead.

"I'll start with Gerudo Town again, and once I have my strength built up, I'll take Hyrule Castle. It shouldn't be too hard," he glanced back at her before returning his gaze to the sea, "You have been my greatest challenge, and look at how that got you,"

She was struggling to hold back the tears, trying to stand tall, to face her doom.

"What are you waiting for?" she said, anger slowly building up in her voice, "Take me,"

Ganondorf chuckled, turning around and sizing her up. With remarkable speed, he drew his sword and thrust it into her chest, she gasped. He shoved it deeper, twisting it to make it hurt more. She found herself screaming in agony. The handle touched her skin and she blacked out. 

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