The Yiga and the Deal

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The trip to their hideout did not take long at all. The ease at which they came seemed ominous, almost. The Yiga didn't even attempt to stop them.

"Be on your guard," she called out, walking ever closer. Finally, they reached the end to the valley, and there was a large, plain, entrance. She walked in. It was a circular room, surrounded by eight potential entrances, each with a long curtain covering them. Saiota snapped and each curtain caught aflame. Once each one burned up and was gone, she could see the correct way through. She took a step forward, and as soon as she did so, it seemed twenty Yiga members materialized out of nowhere, circling the entire room. With their arrows, they shot down around 5 vai.

"Attack!" Resem shouted.

The Yiga all teleported and kept pulling out their bows, but now the Gerudo were all prepared for the attack. Blood had now been shed. People on both sides died.

Resem turned to Saiota, "Go after their leader, I'll cover you,"

She nodded and ran off, going deeper into the hideout, Resem followed her. She drew her blades. As she ran through the hideout, searching for their leader, more Yiga would materialize and she cut down each and every one of them. As she raced by, she fell upon some bigger foes, they were muscular and — well — bigger than any other member she had come across. They weren't much harder to kill, though. Instead of battling them in combat, she killed them with lightning, using the Triforce.

Finally, she came across what seemed like the end of the hideout, but there was nothing, no one. After a moment, five of the bigger Yiga Clan Members appeared out of nowhere. She snapped her fingers and lightning surrounded her and Resem, they all died in a second.

The force of the blow hit against the wall and brushed open a secret door, it twisted sideways. Saiota grinned. This was where she was going to find the leader of the Yiga.

It was a large battlefield, and in the center was a great big pit, from the look of it, it never ended, stretching deeper and deeper down. She gripped her swords tighter and walked out into the open.

She heard a soft "pop" and a shadow fell upon her. Falling gracefully from the sky was a rather significant looking Yiga member. He hit the ground softly. His outfit wasn't much different than that of the other Yiga, with a skin-tight red suit. Wrapped around his arms was white cloth with spikes sticking out. The mask he wore was cracked and bore two horns. A white and red scarf was wrapped around his neck, stretching far between his legs.

"I knew you would be coming," he said, his voice dark and grim.

"It was only a matter of time," she said, Resem behind her braced herself for a fight, "Do you have a name or shall I just refer to you as that weak bastard,"

"I am Master Akatosh,"

"Akatosh," she said, testing out the name, "Now is that your real name or did you make that up?"

"You mock me for the last time," he snarled, two menacing looking weapons appeared in his hands, a cylindrical blade with spikes. She had never seen anything like it.

Saiota braced herself. Akatosh moved like lightning. One second he was standing a few feet in front of her and the next he was slicing at her throat. She dodged, flipping backward, and sliced at his ankle. She missed. Akatosh disappeared again and then he was behind her, throwing one of his strange blades towards her neck. She moved forward, and he missed her neck, but her hair got noticeably lighter. In one stroke, the bastard cut off all her hair. She was stunned, shaking her head, expecting a long braid to swing as it always did, but it was only the hair at the top of her head.

"You—" she was about to curse him out, but again, he sped by her and attacked, she blocked the blows this time and parried. She finally managed to cut him, a thin line streaked over his bicep.

The Chief of the GerudoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora