The Result

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Saiota woke up again the next day and instead of sulking around her room all day as usual, she got up. She would keep her promise to the Gerudo, she would not neglect her duties.

As she got out of bed, the door opened and Kesair came in. She had her head down and clothes hung over her arm.

She laid the clothes over the end of her bed, bowed her head, and then turned to the door.

"This was the best option," Saiota said as Kesair left, she froze and turned her head.

"I think Unoro might've been wrong about you," She said, the hurt on her face clear, "a good ruler never would've done this to her people," and then she left.

Why won't anyone understand?

Regardless, Saiota got dressed and went downstairs. She found another servant and told her to clear the building of all people. After around ten minutes of waiting outside and getting really ugly looks, she was told the building was clear. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and held out her hands. A gleaming bright gold light shot out from her hands and surrounded the castle, destroying it in an instant.

Then she constructed a new one, creating it, sculpting it, designing it all in her mind, and as she thought and dreamed, it would be created in front of her.

The palace she created wasn't anything like the dark fortress before her, it wasn't even like the old palace. This was new, and entirely different. It was a cylindrical building made of sand and mud, its main body shaped into a golden dome, surrounded by towers. Gold lined the edges and as she came closer, there were reliefs carved into the walls, all of it the history of the Gerudo. There was a great golden archway leading into the throne room, no doors, just as it had been, and above the arch was a waterfall, flowing from inside the building, flowing out into two small pools at the entrance of the castle. Walking inside, there was a golden throne, covered in pillows, golden streaks and lines covered the wall behind, creating an illusion almost of the sun. A window was against the back wall, showing the depths of the desert. Two hallways stretched outwards, forming a line from the throne room. Above the room was the water, an infinite source flowing outside.

Before she got to explore the rest of her creation, she heard a familiar voice behind her.

"Impressive," Zelda said from behind, "I don't think I've ever seen so much power,"

"I really hated the last design," Saiota said, turning around with a smile.

Zelda smiled sadly, and dropped it.

"Are the rumors true?" She asked, taking a step forward, "That Ganondorf is back, and you're letting him have control of Gerudo Town?"

Saiota scowled, "Perhaps this conversation would be better in private,"

Zelda nodded and Saiota took off. Going down a hallway, finding a study, just where she had envisioned it. She closed the door behind them.

"Whatever I have done, I've done it because it is the best for the Gerudo," She said to Zelda, weary of the attacks.

"So the rumors are true!"

"I will continue to rule over Gerudo Town and Ganondorf will handle foreign affairs."

"Foreign affairs?" Zelda scoffed, her temper rising, "So he can do whatever he wants to the rest of Hyrule?"

"I did what was best for the Gerudo—"

"Did you even stop to think how this will affect Hyrule?" Zelda said, throwing her hands up in exasperation, "All he wants is power, he will never stop, there's always more power to gained in his eyes!"

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