Why Should They Care...

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Lance's POV (Again XD)

I felt so many emotions as I ran to Red... just holding Pidge felt amazing I wanted time to freeze then, but it also hurt... After I left I felt Lotor, Allura, And Shiro glaring at me. I could feel Pidge's sadness when I left. I could hear Hunk's sniffles.

'Red...' I thought as I got closer.
'Come here my cub.' Red told me calmly, as she sent calming waves.

As I got closer to Red's hanger I felt weird like... like I felt like someone is watching me...

'Cause someone is Lance' Red said with a giggle purr thing.

The way Red reacted was weird... she never giggles... unless it is a joke....

"Please don't be Shiro or Allura..." I said in a sad, panicked voice.
"Sorry Lance... I was hoping you didn't notice me..." A cute familiar voice said behind me.

Pidge POV

Lance had just ran off. I felt like crying.

I felt like I should follow him...
So I did... I followed Lance to Red's hanger He paused...

"Please don't be Shiro or Allura..." He said in a sad, panicked voice.

The sadness I his voice made me sad. So I spoke up...

"Sorry Lance... I was hoping you wouldn't notice me..." I said blushing a bit.

He laughed a bit and sighed. I could tell he was tense.

"You scared me a bit, Ka-PIDGE!" He panicked a bit when he said that... was he about to say Katie?
"You can call me Katie if you want too." I said as I ran up and hugged him.
"Ok Katie, how about we go and talk in Red?" Lance said, turning pink I think?
"Why not." I said cheerfully.

So we went to Red and we just talked for a while.

Shiro's POV

Lance had just left the room and I was angry, but I just glared. Allura and Lotor did also. Pidge just ran off.

"Why do Pidge and Lance have to be such a pain." I said under my breath and sighed.(#notmyshiro I know I am late but in this fanfic it is back in season 5 and 6 so ha!)
"Shiro Lance takes nothing seriously, but Pidge... that was different..." Allura said pacing again.
"Lance just seems useless..." Lotor said staring at Allura. "Pidge seamed smart, but now I don't know."

Keith and Hunk exchange a weird look and started laughing a bit.

"What is so funny you two?" I said staring at them. (But not in a dad way because it is Kuron)
"Oh nothing, nothing at all." Hunk said with a cheesy smile.
"Well you should take it more seriously, especially you Keith!" I yelled at them.
"Hunk? Can you start on dinner I think some people here are hungry..." He had a devilish smile as he said that.
"Ooooohhh! I wish Lance heard that! Keith can actually burn!" He laughed, he then whispered. "Maybe Pidge and I can hack the cameras later...."

Keith and Hunk walked out laughing, I was still angry.

Word Count:507
Sorry for it being short! I am tired!
Have a great day or night!😊

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