So Close Yet So Far

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Haggar's POV
My champion landed on a nearby planet and I was ready to get him back. I realized that he would be able to get voltron to his location so I thought it would be best to wait.

"Haggar." Zarkon said after he entered the room.
"Yes my lord?"
"What happened to the Paladin?!"
"He escaped but this should lead voltron to us."
"You have a plan?"
"Yes. When voltron comes we attack and make them believe he did it on purpose."

Then Zarkon left the room.

Lance's POV
I hid in a cave starving. Ok I'm being over dramatic but I can't help it.... It feels like I've been in there for a year.

"C-come in." A glitchinh almost robotic voice said.
"Yeah it me! We'll be there soon."

And with that it cut off. Then I saw a galra ship coming towards me... This can't be good.

Paladins POV
"He seems ok." Pidge said after it cut off.
"That's good." Shiro said sitting down in Black.
"We better hurry. Who knows how long it'll take them to find him."
"Right Keith."

They all went to the planet and didn't see a ship so they sent Pidge in green. Green cloaked and went down to Lance's location only to see the Cuban male looked just fine. Not a scratch or bruise. It was odd and Pidge knew she'd need to ask him later but now wasn't the time. She took Lance into Green then went back to the castle.

"Lance how you feeling?"
"I'm good."

Then the galra attacked.

After the attack they all talked to Lance asking if he was ok a few times. He told them he was fine and it was only one day. Pidge and Keith didn't believe him. They wondered what was going on with the Cuban...

Lance's POV
The galra got me again. I watched them attack voltron. They took the fake. Now I'm stuck here... With the galra for the rest of my life unless I escape.

Haggar took me to the room and strapped me to the table. I knew I wasnt in for the worst... I knew so much more could happen. I just had to live through it for a bit...

Pidge & Keith In A Room
"Something isn't right Keith."
"I know Pidge. We just have to figure out what."
"I can run some test on him."
"That will work for now..."

I hope you.guys enjoyed!
Have a great day or night😊

I Miss You- Voltron Plance Storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें