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Lance's POV
This is bad.
Really bad.

I have a robot leg.....

I don't know what to do...
And I can't control it.

I watched Haggar examine my leg again....

And I accidentally kicked her in the face.

She laughed.

I was confused... I kicked her in the face and she's not getting ready to do something to me?

"It happened with the old champion too," she said stoking the leg. "He couldn't control it. It was hilarious to watch."

As she was stoking the leg her face went Yellow Diamond. (If you don't get it... It makes me a little sad.)

"They didn't put it in..." Haggar said angrily. "They forgot the injector!"

'Injector?!' I thought a little scared.

Haggar was obviously mad.

Haggar called in two sentries and they took me to a new cell....

It was completely white. It was hard to tell how big it was. When they shut the door I was stuck in a completely blinding white room.


At least I have time to think....

A pain shot up my body. I didn't realize how much it hurt to get my leg chopped off. I couldn't do anything but lay on the floor.

I can't stand and I'm stuck in a room. This is great. Just great.

After a little while I can sit up again.

Ok now to think.....

What did she mean about injection?
More importantly... How bad will it hurt?

A few hours go by I think? I wish they gave me a clock or something like that.

"I guess I'm stuck here..." I said out loud looking around.

Keith's POV
Pidge scares me sometimes....

She apparently turned me galra in my sleep... it's weird!

But I'll do what I gotta do to get Lance back.

"Ok so how do we do it?"
"I have to go get something!" Pidge yelled then ran off.

Lance's POV

What does that mean?!

Was it a poison?
No she wouldn't want to after all that work.
Was it a mind control thing?
Was it to mess with my head?
She wouldn't want that with a warrior...
Could it do something to my appearance?

Ugh.... I wanna leave this place... but it'll have to wait til I have a plan...

I looked around once again and I still could only see white.

"I guess I'll take a nap then..."

Hey guys! I'm sorry this chapter was so short. Guys this story is #1 in altean! Thank you all so much! It really makes me happy that you all enjoy this story! Next chapter should be longer and have more torture....
Have a great day or night!😁

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