Everything Is Too Fast

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Lance's POV
Pidge and Me danced so much.... We sang a few more songs! It was heaven. I had left for a bit because I thought I heard something. I was walking outside the castle when it happened.

Pidge's POV
It was day two and Lance had walked out of the castle. He told me he needed fresh air and space. I understood.

That was a few hours ago. I've started to worry. He hasn't come back yet and I can't find anyone else I know. I'm panicking. I know it might be crazy to think he's hurt but it's Lance... Maybe he was lying to me... Horrible thoughts filled my head but I shut them out knowing they most likely weren't true. I saw Keith....

"KEITH!" I yelled running over to him.
"What is it Pidge?" Keith asked a little worried. "You seem scared?"
"Lance went outside the castle a few hours ago and I can't find him now!" I said trying to keep my composure. "I know it might be dumb to worry but I'm scared...."
"Let's go check outside," Keith said putting his arm around my shoulder and taking me towards the door. "We'll check outside and if we don't find him I'll tell Allura or Shiro."
"Thanks Keith." I said looking up at him.

As soon as we walked outside... We heard a scream.

"LANCE!" I yelled.
"Pidge it might not be Lance." Keith said trying to calm me down.
"IT WAS HIM I WATCHED HIM!" I yelled finally letting my tears go pointing to the top of the castle. "SHE'S HURTING HIM!"

I admit it was overdramatic of me to yell like I did but I didn't care.

Keith had his armor on under his cloths (it must be really hot....) and I'm so happy he did. I had enough armor on to be protected but nothing showed. We had both taken out our bayards and started climbing the castle. (I was to scared to worry about logic.) Before we got to the top they took him and the ship took off. I fell on my knees crying. Keith put his hand on my shoulder.

"Pidge come on...." Keith said seriously. "Let's get Shiro and Allura."
"Right." I said standing up.

We got back into the castle but we couldn't find Allura or Shiro.

Lance's POV
I was knocked out after getting shocked by Haggar's magic multiple times.... I heard Pidge I think..... but I woke up in a dark small cell.... Quiznak..... I hate small spaces. I was wondering why.... but then I heard two voices.... two familiar voices. Shiro and Allura. They won't capture though.... They were watching me. Something was wrong.... I wasn't going to talk to them just in case.

I just waited for about a hour when Allura and Shiro came in and grabbed me. I didn't fight... They're my friends... I couldn't. They strapped me to a table and left the room they had taken me to. Haggar walked in.... Quiznak.... I'm going to die....

Wait..... omg...... wait is this normal....
I don't think this is normal.... this just seems odd.... anyways I did this in one night... I'm happy with myself!
Have a great day or night!😁

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