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Lance's POV
I didn't know what to do after I shut the sentry down. I just ran to a vent and started to try to find a way out. I have being in the vents but I'll do what I must to get out of here.

After a while of being in the vents I found a storage room and I jumped into it. I saw a outfit and gun so I grabbed both. I put the outfit on and it gave my skin a purple hue. I thought I'd blend right in so I left the storage room and started heading towards the escape pods. If I'm lucky I'll make it out but it'll take longer then I hoped it would. With Haggar damaging my right leg I'm now limping and if she sees me she'll know it's me. I had my gun at the ready when some soldiers come up behind me.

"Stop!" The first on yelled.

I didn't stop... I started running. They started shooting and I shot back when I heard a scream. I looked back to see a galra Soldier's body laying on the ground motionless. So much blood... I couldn't stand it but I kept running. They followed. I kept shooting and I kept hearing screams. I kept seeing blood. I couldn't handle it but I kept running. I got to the escape pods and got in one.

"Get Haggar and tell her what has happened!" A soldier yelled at the others as my pod took off.

My pod took off and I felt amazing. It's only been a few hours and I've already escaped.

I looked around and crashed on a planet. I turned on the pod de-stress signal and did something I knew Pidge would understand. I used a code she taught me. Now I just need to hide til they find me.... And that's what I did. I hid in a cave and waited.

Pidge's POV
I'm worried about Lance and I have a right to be. Shiro was just a scientist when he was captured and they messed him up bad. Lance is a Paladin.

"Guys stop fighting we need to find Lance!" Keith snapped after a while of Shiro, Allura and me fighting. "This isn't helping!"
"Keith is right." Shiro said putting his human hand On Allura's shoulder. "Let's hurry."

Then my tablet went off. I looked at it to see a distress signal in a code that I recognize.

"Pidge what is it?" Hunk said with a little worry in his voice.
"It's Lance..." I said with almost a echo. "He escaped. He's ok."
"What?!" Keith eventually yelled.
"He's on a nearby planet!" I yelled almost crying.
"Let's go!" Hunk exclaim smiling.
"Pidge how are you for sure it isn't a trap?" Shiro asked a little cautious.
"I taught Lance a code only him and me understand." I said with a little pride. "Just for when we need to talk and he used it in this message."
"Everyone to your lions." Allura said smiling.
"Allura you'll have to pilot blue." I said looking at Allura along with pushing my glasses up. "We'll need voltron if the galra see us."

Haggar's POV
A soldier came and told me he escaped the ship.

"FIND HIM!" I yelled at the soldier who left the room less then a tick after.

I was ready to give him a punishment that would kill him if it weren't for the fact I'll use quintessence to keep him alive. I'll love torturing every piece of hope and love out of him. I'll use him as my main weapon for fighting voltron. My champion~

Two chapters in less then 24 hours....
I hope everyone is happy with it!
Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed!
Have a great day or night 😋

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