Fighting The Temptation

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Haggar's POV
I answered the call from the Paladins. I thought it would be the perfect time to explain what the blue Paladin did.

"Hello Paladins, Princess."
"Where is Lance?!" The short green one snapped.
"Oh... His plan didn't work..."
"What do you mean?" My champion said.
"Oh well it was his idea to send the fake."
"That's impossible." The green one said.
"Well it's true." I said and turned around to see the shocked face of my new champion.
"He would never." The green one said while the others agreed.
"Really? You think the person you all treat so badly even before this all wouldn't?"
"He... He wouldn't." The green one looked down as he said and the yellow one hugged him.
"Well I must go. I have stuff to do."
"Wai-" The princess yelled but I cut her off by hanging up.

I went back to my new champion. He seemed so brave but his eyes told a different story.

"We're gonna have some fun."

With The Paladins And Alteans
"The son of a-" Pidge was cut off by Shiro putting his hand over her mouth.
"Good. Now we need a plan."
"Agreed Shiro but it will take a while." Allura said. "We don't even know how long Lance has."
"We just need something quick and easy." Shiro said. "In and out."
"Then let's start planning." Allura said looking at him.

They thought and thought about how to save their teammate.

"What if we turn Keith Galra and send him in!" Pidge exclaimed.

Lance's POV
She's a monster
She's a witch
She's a demon
She's horrible

Somehow I'm in so much pain and I've only been here a day or two....

I wanna get back to the team.... Even if they don't want me there... I could go home. That's all I want right now.

After that call I felt a inner pain... It didn't help everything else hurting. I felt the team believed her...

"Crap." I said under my breath seeing that she grabbed a small knife.
"We're going to have some fun..." Haggar said with a wicked smile.

She put the knife to my right leg....

Then stabbed it










That's how it went for no one knows how long.... She somehow kept me awake. She cut my right leg off... She actually did it... I'm actually alive.... She grabbed a robot leg and I knew what was coming.... This sucks... I guess I really am the right leg.

I laugh out loud at my own joke and Haggar looks pleased.

"This is beautiful work..." Haggar said stroking my new leg. "You will be perfect."

Back To The Paladins
"Pidge is that even possible?!" Keith exclaimed.
"Actually it is," Pidge said pushing up her glasses. "And it won't being harm to you or anyone."
"How do you know this...?"
"Remember when you woke up and your hair had a bit of purple in it?"
"That night I may or may not have turned you galra..."
"What the heck Pidge!"

Everyone else just watched this argument play out.

"It was for a experiment and nothing bad happened!"
"How do you know?!"
"You woke up after I did it and acted fine!"
"I told you it was a dream."
"That makes sense...."

Hey! Hi! Hello!
Hope you guys are doing well and enjoyed the chapter! I know it's been a while but hey I did it.

Have a great day or night!😁

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