mensonges, mort et perte de foi

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The chapter title is in French and I used Google translate. Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the chapter.

Pidge's POV
Keith and me left the room we were talking in. We went searching for Lance not knowing where he would be. I looked in the training room knowing it's become one of his favorite places.

"Is anyone in here?" I say as I walk in.
"Oh hey Pidge!" Lance says with a sword in his hand and smiling.
"I need you to come with me." I say looking him in the eye seriously.
"What for?"
"We just need to talk."

Lance was for sure acting weird... almost like he didn't remember anything that happened.

I took him to the med bay.

"Why are we here?"
"I just need to do something."

I pushed him into a pod and started to scan him when Keith came in.

"Oh so you found him."
"You're running the test?"
"Of course."

I looked at the scans and they were weird... All messed up and it looked like he was going to die any second but looked like he wasn't hurt at all.

"This isn't Lance..."
"What do you mean Pidge?"
"That isn't Lance."
"I still don't understand."
"I'll show you."

I let Lance out and he seemed confused.

"Pidge why did you-" I cut him off by stabbing him in the shoulder.
"I did what I had to Keith."

'Lance' faded away into dust. (Think Spider-man infinity war)

"It wasn't Lance."
"Let's go tell the others Keith."

We went off to find the others and told them to meet in the control room.

Lance's POV
I was ready for what she was going to do and scared. I tried not to show it but I'm not sure how well I did.

"The little blue Paladin..." Haggar started... singing..? "Scared for his life.... Not quite sure if he'll die.... Doesn't know they won't save him."

She kept singing and it creeped me out.

"Now it's time to have some fun." She finished her little song.

She grabbed my hand and pealed back one of my nails a bit. I bit my lip trying not to scream. She kept doing it till my pointer finger was without a nail. She did it to all of my fingers on my right hand then she moved on to my left... she went on to my toes... I was covered in blood and in terrible pain. I hated it and stopped fighting the screams.

"Little Blue Paladin... Screaming tonight... Little Blue Paladin.... Stuck forever... Little Blue Paladin... Never did right." She started singing again.

She found great pleasure in making me scream. I couldn't stop it... She just started touching the raw skin.... I screamed even more when a screen went off.

Paladin's POV
All of the Paladins are in the control room when Pidge pulls up the video.

"It wasn't Lance."
"Pidge that doesn't make any sense."
"Shiro... The pods said everything opposite said he was going to die yet he was unharmed." I said glaring. "He turned to dust!"
"Wait what?"
"Yeah he turned to dust."
"That doesn't..."
"Humans don't turn to dust...?" Allura asked.
"No we don't Allura." I said and typed something in the systems.
"What are you doing?"

I didn't answer and kept typing. It showed a screen a second later with Haggar on it.

Hey guys!!!! I'm sorry it's short.... And for the late update.... I've been really wondering how to do this chapter but I think it worked out well! The next one will hopefully be longer.
Have a great day or night 😋

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