The Mystery Voice

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I must be bored to be writing this again, huh? Tbh- Voltron is like a nightmare to me now because of stupid shit that happened- anyways- quick thing before the chapter-

Should I change the story to

Keith x Lance

Or keep it

Lance x Pidge

Figure that out- because- my gay ass can't think right now. Lol- my life is shit- anyways-


"I'm in so much pain.. I always wanted adventure, but not like this. Here I am, looking galra, alone probably forever. The others didn't want me, I mean, who would? Not even my birth parents wanted me. Lance was just thinking to himself  for a while, it's quiet, oh so quiet. The only noise is the guards occasionally walking by and my heartbeat in my ear.

"Hello..?" A voice..? A voice! It sounds very.. odd.. but not like Haggar's odd, thankfully.. "Hello....?" I say, hoping for a response. "Blue paladin..?" The voice responds, terrified. Who could this be? It's quiet, "Who are.. how can you hear me..?" "I uhm.. I'm in the cell next to yours.. there is a small crack we can talk through.." "Oh.. well.. who are you..?" "I'm... Luke.." "Oh.. well my name is Lance.." "It's nice to meet you... your friend Keith was asking about you.." "Wait what?! You talked to Keith?" The other hummed softly. "I did yes.. briefly." "Are they coming?" Lance almost sounded excited, for the first time in a long while. "I dunno.. He knows where we could be.. he asked if you were ok too." "They'll come.. they'll come and get us. We'll both get out of here, everyone prisoner on this ship will!" "If they get get through.." a small wince could be heard before the other continued, "Haggar." Lance shut his eyes, he had grown to fear that name more than any other over the time he had been there. She was his "caretaker" as she put it, in reality that just meant testing on him however the hell she wanted. She wouldn't let anyone she tested on die though, she had too much fun, so it was just endless torture constantly. 24/7. That can kinda fuck you up mentally, ya know?

"Uhm, blue paladin..?" Luke's voice brought him back to reality. "Oh uh sorry, what's up?" Lance realized how much he sounded like himself, it's been a while since he's been able to just talk normally, but the idea of his team coming was enough to keep him smiling again. "The uh.. the stuff will ware off in a few days.. it's not permanent or anything.." Lance sighed in relief hearing this, though he did question how his new.. friend, yeah friend. His new friend. How did his new friend know it would were off? That would be a question for later, what was important now was getting out of this hell hole.

For a while they just sit in silence, comfortable silence. Lance wasn't sure what his teammates would say about how he looks now, but hopefully it'll be ok.. it will be ok. Lance just had time to think, why would Keith be asking about him? Did Pidge miss him? 'I hope they're not too upset about me being gone, not that I'd expect them to be haha..' he shook his head, that was no way to be thinking. He should be positive, they're coming, it's going to be ok.. it's all going to be ok. He started to quietly cry, the idea of getting out of here was a lot, apart of him didn't want to leave, he was scared of what would happen after, yes it's painful, but it's known. He sat there, curled into a ball against the wall, his once clean olive skin covered in scars, his old self felt long gone, what if he wasn't the same Lance? Maybe they would hate him now, maybe they did before, who knows. He'll be fine, he just needs to know who Lance was before, then when he gets back act the same way and everything will be fine! It will be perfect. Lance had grown to love and hate the silence, the silence meant no torture, but it also meant being alone with his own thoughts, he'd try to hum old nursery rhymes his Mami would sing to him when he was younger. He liked the idea of home more and more now, sometimes he wonders what would have happened if he had never found the blue lion with the others, maybe things would be different... he definitely wouldn't be being tortured and probably used as a trap now, unless earth is being taken over and they have no idea and his parents and brothers and sisters and everything he cares about is being taken, then he would be too, in the same position. What if that's really happening.. they could all be dead. Everyone could be dead. Lance quickly took a deep breath, clearing his thoughts, "Think of the beach, think of your team, think of Mami.."

Killlll meeeeeeee- Voltron might be a current hyperfixation???  Help???? Anyways now that I can write better here is the next chapter help

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