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Everybody is chilling when Em comes in. She is really excited.

Em: Do you guys know what tomorrow is?

Jake: Wednesday.

Em: Besides that.

Rich: Its Halloween!

Em: Bingo! You win a hug from my readers.

Rich: Yay!

Emily: So, what are you all going as? I'm going as Hermione

Christine: An angel!

Brooke: A vampire!

Chloe: A demon!

Jeremy: A king!

Michael: A gay king!

Em: *gigglesnorts*

Rich: A werewolf!

Jake: A zombie!

Jenna: An evil queen!

SQUIP: The Phantom of the Opera.

Christine and Em: *squeal*

Em: So, we are going trick or treating with my friend Lex (omceuponatime). You guys are not allowed to eat all your candy in one night.

Chloe: Awww.

Em: And then, we will watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. 

Michael: Yay!

Em: And then, you guys have to try and scare each other using only random props.


Em: And after that, we chill, eat candy, and talk. Sound fun?

Everybody: Yeah.

Em: Fantastic! Any questions?

Jeremy: Is anybody gonna burn down a house?

Em: Unless you guys get your hands on a lighter, no.

Chloe: Arent we a bit too old for trick or treating?

Christine: NO!

A/N: Oh my Godric that was bad. Tomorrow's chapter will be better.

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