Big News

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A/N: Sorry about not posting in forever. Writers block is a curse. Onto the chapter!

Everybody is chilling out and watching The Princess Bride in the movie room when Em comes in, bouncing and grinning her face off.

Em: Holy macaroni and cheese! Oh my Godric! WHOO HOO!!!!

SQUIP: *smirks*  You seem excited. Why?


A pause. Then....

Michael: Yay! I can't wait!

Rich: WHOO HOO!!!

Christine: EEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

Jake: Wow!!!!!

Brooke and Chloe: Can we sit together?

Em: Of course!

Brooke and Chloe: Yay!

Jenna: I need to tell everyone about this!

Jeremy: So, we're gonna watch me f*ck up my life on stage?

Em: Yeah. But the music's amazing!

SQUIP: Well, this is going to be a giant guilt trip.

Em: Yup. But it's also really good!

Michael: So, when do we see it? *smiles*

Em: April.

Rich: But that's sooooooooo far from now!

Em: I have the cast album.

Rich: Oh! Great!

Em: And the original actor of the insanely cool Jared Kleinman plays Jeremy.

Em's Mom: Em, you have musical theatre in a few minutes. Let's go!

Em: Okay mom! I'll see you guys later.


After Em finishes her homework (the others were watching a Disney film), Em brings everybody into the kitchen. Her mom goes to make chicken, but it went bad.

Em's Mom: I just bought this yesterday!

SQUIP: Well, it smells gross.

Em: No kidding!

Em's Mom: I guess we're having Greek, then.

A little while later, Em's mom comes back with the food. It goes mostly well, but somebody's (Jake) wrap keeps falling apart.

Em: Alright. Well, now what?

SQUIP: I don't care. I'm going to read.

Em: Kay then. Everybody else, just put on The Lion King and yell if you need me.

Michael: Okay! I'll make popcorn!

Em: No touchy the microwave! I'll make it!

Michael: Okay. Hey Jer, you wanna finally beat that level?

Jeremy: Yeah!

Later, Em brings in the popcorn, sets up the DVD, and goes into her room to read fanfic. It's all going well until Mufasa's death.

Rich: *being overdramatic* Whyyyyyyy?????

SQUIP: *looks up from book* Be quiet Richard.

Rich: Oh shut up you overgrown Tic-Tac.

Jeremy: *cracks up*

Michael: *also cracking up*

Christine: Guys, no fighting!

Rich: Okay Chris.

Jenna: *on tumblr*

Chloe: *crying and hugging her girlfriend*

Brooke: *comforting her girlfriend. Its adorable*

Em: *pops into room* Oy vey. You guys are crazy. That's why I like you.

A/N: My longest chapter in this story yet! (I think.) And, yes, I did get tickets for BMC on Broadway!!! I'll bring the Be More Chill family with me! Bye for now!

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