Chapter 10

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yo so .. sorry bout the no updates thing lol but im back w angst


Tom and you had talked it over and decided not to make any more drama by dating or seeing each other as anything more than friends. You still felt the drops of attraction, and he did too, but you were still very much heartbroken over Edd and Tom felt too guilty.

You hugged him and reassured him you weren't overly angry, and walked out of his apartment. You probably looked terrible, you thought. You hadn't showered in days (though you still wore deodorant) and did the bare minimum to keep yourself presentable. You closed Tom's door, and turned around, and your heart stopped again.

Matt and Edd stood outside Matt's door, talking quietly. They apparently heard you shut Tom's door, because they both turned to you.

Shit, you thought. This probably looks like Tom and I-

"Hey." Matt smiled gently, and Edd-

He looked furious. You thought you noticed a twinge of sadness, but he quickly covered it up.

"Hey Matt..." you paused and decided fuck it. "Hey... Hey Edd."

Edd narrowed his eyes. He seemed to debate with himself before opening his mouth.

"So did you fuck him?"

Those words felt like a bullet to the chest. Not only because Edd rarely cursed, but the implications behind his words - as if he really thought you'd turn around and sleep with Tom the day after he had dumped you.

Matt looked shocked but you hardly registered that before speaking.

"What?" The hurt was clear in the way your voice shook.

"I asked if you slept with Tom." Edd said, and the venom in the way he said Tom's name killed you - how disdainfully (how angrily?) would he say yours?

"No!" you said, near yelled, and Edd just sighed.

"Why were you in his apartment then?"

You responded immediately, and tears already stung your eyes.

"I-I told him I don't want to date him."

"Hm." Edd scoffed and turned to Matt.

"See you, Matt." And his voice was his again, high and warm, and the fact that he had reserved all his anger for you and only you-

"B-Bye?" Matt stuttered out, and Edd gave you a split second glare before entering his apartment.

You stared at his closed door, and the panic set in. You managed to stumble to Matt before collapsing inside his apartment, and you felt the first of many tears start.

The next three weeks were hell. You went to work, you came home, and you immediately started crying. Your coworker was getting worried about how much sleep you got. Matt worked afternoons, and so didn't come home until after you, so you always had an hour or two to sob alone. You looked at pictures of you and Edd, and the one taken the weekbefore the kiss and the breakup always killed you. It was of the two of you in the morning, kissing.

You didn't see Edd again, but you knew how he was doing, thanks to Matt hanging out with him.

The worst part?

Tom was with them too. 

Only twice, Matt assured you, and only in the past three days, but Edd had tentatively allowed Tom back in the group of friends. Matt said the first time he was back was incredibly awkward, and that Tom had apparently been calling Edd regularly to apologize. Only after 'the hundredth bloody call' (as Matt put it) had Edd finally said he would talk to him again.

You were sitting on the kitchen floor, staring blankly at the ceiling. You were supposed to go to work but your coworker said they'd cover your shift. You heard the door open, and since only you and Matt had keys, you assumed it was just him.

You sighed out, and stood, turning to the door. You started a greeting but immediately shut up as you saw the three hoodied men at the doorway, staring at you with very different emotions.

HEARTACHE - Edd x Reader x Tom (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now