Chapter 31

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Hey guys I'm so proud of myself. I just wrote almost 3,000 words! YAY! Oh and if you have any questions just ask and I'll answer them because I realize that some people might be confused. Oh and feel free to reach out to me whatever the reason maybe! ENJOY!


I can't believe this happened again to my little sister. I cry with her as I feel pain but I know it's nothing compared to what she's been through. After setting her bath and seeing her walk into the bathroom I go downstairs to go find Ace and tell him to go and take care of Violet. 

Since all of the five brothers ran after the criminal, I ran to Violet knowing she needs me. I try my best to calm her down. I just hope Ace can take care of her because the first time it happened she wouldn't leave me for a whole month, even then she was a little hesitant. 

"Ace, you should go up and take care of Violet. She's taking a bath right now." I say in a small voice hoping he can hear me. I see Ace give a small nod and make his way upstairs. 

I look around and see uncle and aunt Emerson and my parents sitting on the couch along with Aiden holding Alice, Austin holding Anna, and Carrie and Julian holding each other. My mom and aunty Emerson are in the embrace of their husband. Every single woman was crying while the men were trying to comfort them but still looking worried. Looking further around I see Aaron and Anthony holding the pathetic excuse of a man. 

Walking towards the coward, who has a big bruise on his face and blood dripping from his lips and a swollen eye which is shut, I take a big swing at his face. "YOU STUPID FUCK! DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND WHEN A WOMAN SAYS 'NO' SHE MEANS 'NO'! YOU STOP!" I yell as I continue to hit him. Taking a swing at his face first causing him to stumble out of the hold of the two brother and fall down to the ground. Getting on top of him I continue beating his face black and blue until I'm pulled off of him. 

"Alright I know you're mad but the cops are on their way and we already beat him. Not to mention the number Ace did on him." I hear my Dad's voice as I see that I'm held by Aaron and Anthony. 

Flicking my hands out of the hold of Aaron and Anthony, I stare at the fucker as my chest heaves up and down. I'm trance is broken when we hear the doorbell ring. I don't move from my stop or look away but I see Carrie stand up and go towards the door. 

"We were called about sexual assault." I look away finally to see two police officers in the house. 

"Yes officer. This man who has no respect for woman was forcing himself on my sister and we all saw it when we walked in here." I spit out with much hatred. 

"Well we'll need a statement from each and everyone of you as well as your sister." The first officer says as the other hand cuffs the moron. "NO! My sister's been through enough. She will not have to go through this again. We heard him scream 'no' and 'stop' but he didn't instead he pushed himself further upon her. Out statements should be enough considering the fact that we saw and heard her say 'no' but he didn't stop." I will not have my sister go through any of this once again. She's gone through a lot and having to relive that moment is not okay with me and I know she doesn't want to relive it either. 

He doesn't say anything but rather looks around the room at uncle Emerson, my dad, me, Aiden, Austin, Anthony, and Aaron. I'm assuming he knows who we are. "Very well then." Good choice. With that said he starts taking our statements as his partner comes back after, I'm assuming, setting the sexual assaulter in the car, and aids in taking our statements. 

Once they left, everyone was settled on the couch but not saying anything. "Jacob, what did Violet mean by 'why is it always me'?" I can't blame my dad for asking that question. That is his daughter and he would want to know all that he can to make sure she's safe. We never told anyone what happened the first time. 

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