Better Than He Can 2

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Everything had changed.

Whether that was because Jisoo was now at college one thousand, two hundred and seventy-six miles away from Jennie or part of the aftermath of the night they spent together before she left, Jennie wasn't sure. All the brown eyed girl knew, regardless of the reason, was that everything felt different now. And not the good kind of different.

It didn't happen straight away, things seemed fine right after. Actually, they seemed more than fine. Different yes, but it was the kind of different that the younger girl had been craving for the past three years of their friendship. Jennie couldn't help but notice that Jisoo constantly seemed to be touching her now. Not in a sexual way exactly, it was more kisses on cheeks for no apparent reason, hands on thighs whilst they were watching TV, fingers stroking arms just to give them an excuse to touch. It wasn't a lot, but it was something.

And then it was nothing.

After one week of gentle touches and lingering glances, it all stopped, Jisoo went off the radar. Not completely, the older girl would still reply to Jennie's texts but they were always blunt one word answers, several hours after she'd originally text her, and that was as good as it got. No matter what Jennie said or did, Jisoo couldn't make time to see her, she was always busy. Busy with what, Jennie wasn't quite sure. The younger girl guessed she couldn't complain thought, they had been living in each other's pockets recently and maybe Jisoo just needed a breather. All the same, she thought it would have been nice to spend her last week before Jisoo left for college with her best friend.

The days flew in. Jennie felt like she blinked and suddenly it was time for her to leave for New York. The brown eyed girl had been dreading this day, she knew it was going to be hard but the thought of saying farewell to Jisoo made her feel physically sick. It was going to be really hard. Or at least it might have been if Jisoo had actually turned up to say goodbye. Jennie waited and waited. But eventually, after over a hundred missed calls and unread texts, Jennie had to see the girl that her world had basically revolved around for the last three years, leave Miami without saying goodbye .

And that was when Jennie knew everything had changed.

Jisoo did call her the next day to apologize. Apparently "I got caught up, you have no idea how crazy everything was yesterday" was a good enough excuse in the older girls eyes. It wasn't, but the "You know I love you Jen, I'll make it up to you I promise" that followed after made Jennie's heart flutter and suddenly she no longer had it in her to be mad at Jisoo. She'd never been very good at that.

In Jennie's mind all she could think was, at least she's calling me again, right?

Wrong. As the older girl settled into the new school year, gradually, their calls got shorter and less frequent. From once a day, to once a week, to whenever Jisoo could find the time. And apparently 'the time' was only when she wanted to talk about a new guy she was dating.

Jennie thought the term 'dating' was a very generous way to describe what her friend in college was doing.

"Jennie you'll never believe who I had sex with last night. Guess, just guess. You are going to literally die" the older girl gushed down the phone after two weeks of no contact at all. She went on to tell her how amazing it was and how amazing he was and how amazing life was, and Jisoo was right, it made Jennie feel like she could 'literally die'. The younger girl gradually started to realize that deep down, part of her had secretly hoped that maybe she was special, maybe she was the only one who could make Jisoo feel something. But that clearly wasn't the case.

The months that followed were much of the same. Jennie tried to distract herself with classes that were interesting but she could never fully focus on, and parties that were good, but she was never quite in the mood for, and people that were nice but just weren't Jisoo. And suddenly her mind was back on the brown eyed girl and Jennie realized her distractions weren't really that distracting at all.

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