Sparks Fly

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They only gave her twenty minutes to pack.

Her suitcase is barely even closed because she tried to shove as many pieces of clothing into it as she possibly could because they only gave her twenty

minutes to pack.

They shoved her out and didn't even say goodbye.

They didn't even look at her when they did it.

And she has nowhere to go.

She has nowhere to go.

She keeps a tight grip on her the handle of her suitcase and she walks the familiar route to the gated community she used to frequent. She wonders if she dialed Joohyun's number now if she would answer.

Probably not.

She too, couldn't look Jennie in the eye when she shoved her out the door.

Maybe that's a pattern. Jennie swallows the lump in her throat and she collapses onto the street corner. She hugs her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around them, and rests her chin on her knees. Silent tears stream down her cheeks and she tries not to think about her room and her posters and her bike and every piece of her childhood that she left behind when she walked out of the front door.

And maybe she should have known that it was going to end up like this.

Anybody who sneered at the gay couples on television and ranted about how "fucking mainstream media is filled with fags and dykes" was bound to react negatively to their daughter telling them that she's a lesbian.

But Jennie had hoped that maybe it would be different because it was her. Maybe they just didn't understand because it didn't affect them and once it did - once Jennie told them the truth about who she is, they would get it. That it wasn't a choice. At least not one that Jennie would make voluntarily.

But she'd been naive.

She watched the expression on their faces change from concern to disgust the moment Jennie uttered the word 'lesbian'.

She watched their eyes harden and recognition fade as her Mother spat at her, "You are no daughter of  mine."

And then they told her to get out.

They gave her twenty minutes to pack.

And then they kicked her out.

They slammed the door in her face and she couldn't do anything about it.

She spent ten minutes banging on the door, yelling through her tears for them just let her back in, please. She begged them to see that she was still their little girl. That she didn't change just because she liked girls. She watched them turn the lights out in the living room and walk away from the door.

So now she's here, in front of these gates that she's passed through so many times, but this time stuck on the outside.

She's not sure how long she sits. She watches Escalade after Escalade drive through the gates and not a single one stops.

And maybe there's part of her that's hoping that Joohyun might see her sitting here and stop. See her on the corner and just know what she did and take her in her arms and whisper against her hair like she used to that everything is going to be okay.

But if she even drives past, Jennie doesn't know.

It's dark now and there's a slight chill in the air and Jennie knows that she's going to have to find some place to stay for the night soon. But she's still hoping for Joohyun.

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