Chapter Two

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"I can't believe you're getting married." My brother said for the 50th time.

"I could say the same thing about you." I answered and straightened the flower on his tux. He beamed in the mirror in front of us and flexed his fingers that were covered in bright white gloves.

"I'm happy. That's all I want in this life." He said quietly, almost to himself. And me? Would I ever be happy? It certainly didn't feel like it. I gave him a small smile and there was a knock at the door before the wedding coordinator peeped inside.

"The bride is ready." He said stiffly and closed the door again behind him.

"Did you see her?" My brother asked me. I'd gone to her room earlier just to check on her before coming here. "What did she look like?" What did she look like? My brother's fiancée was...nice. Her personality was nice and her face was nice and her dress was nice. She was just...normal. I never really looked at girls any other way to be honest. But that wasn't the answer my brother was looking for; that any guy was ever looking for when they asked about a girl they liked. So I said what I always did.

"She looked beautiful." I stepped back and gave him a once over as well. "You look good too, bro. She'll cry when she sees you."

"So will I. I don't even care what she's wearing. I'm already losing my shit." He took a few deep breaths to calm himself and then he nodded once. "Let's go."

The venue was gorgeous. The hall was decorated completely in white flowers of every kind. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling and the lights cutting through the diamonds could have made the room look like a disco but the sparkling effect was minimal and pretty.

"Where did you even find this place?" My brother said to me.

"I did a gig here once. For another wedding." I replied and dodged an elderly lady who was hobbling along down the centre aisle in her light blue hanbok. "It seemed like a nice place. The decorators did a good job too."

"They did great. Mina will love it." He smiled. We made it to the front without anyone stopping us and I gave my brother a hug. I held on tight longer than I usually would because it was rare for him to let me do it. Tears prickled my eyes. I don't even know when I'll see him again. After his honeymoon, my brother was moving to Seoul.

"This is your last chance to run away." I whispered in his ear. Was I even joking? If he didn't get married today, Father would get off my back and I'd be free at least for a little longer. Enough for me to figure out what the hell I would do...

"Never. This is it for me." He slapped me on the back and I nodded morosely. I spun around so I could walk over to the groom's side of the aisle to take my seat. There were 4 spaces saved for my mother, father, grandmother and myself. They were all absent though. My father was probably dragging them around the hall to inspect the décor so he could criticize it later at home. It would be just like him. I wonder what Mina's parents were like? I met them once, at the engagement party, but that had been brief and I had been distracted then by exams and what the hell I was going to do after graduation. I peeked over at the bride's side and spotted them huddled close in the front row, her mother gripping her husband's hands tightly. My father would never permit such a display in front of guests. I scoffed and was about to sit down when someone hurried over to greet them. A certain someone that I was pretty sure I wasn't imagining. No one was as tall as Chanyeol. Fuck. My breath caught in my throat and my hands started to sweat. There was loud pounding in my ears from my heart trying to beat out of my skull. What was he doing here? Was he a family member? Oh God...

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