Chapter Nine

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CH: Seriously?!

XM: Are you even coming today?

I winced as I read Chen and Xiumin's texts. I'd tried but I just couldn't go to practice today. I had too much to do apparently. Like choose what plates we were having for the reception dinner and tasting cakes all day. Mother had dragged me out of my apartment with strict instructions from my father to 'make my bride happy.' I glared at the ceiling while Yoora and my mother Oohed and Aahed at plates that all looked like exactly the same colour to me but were however, not.

"Baekhyun, do you want the ivory plates with the silver trim or the egg white ones with the flower embossing?"

"What?" I asked, blankly. My mother sighed and frowned at me.

"Baekhyun, you only get married once. At least try to look alive and pick the plates that will be in your wedding pictures for decades." She said in a rush. Sheesh...decades. My nausea reappeared and I looked to Yoora but she had her hands clutched tightly on a set of plates, facing away from me.

"I'm fine with whatever Yoora picks, Omma. Honestly." I muttered.

"It should be a joint effort on your part - "

"Omma. Just let her pick the plates." I said, getting angry now. I was supposed to be with my friends right now practicing for the gigs Sehun had somehow managed to line up for us at a string of bars and clubs, but instead I was here getting lectured about fucking plates. Did anyone even remember the plates they ate on at a wedding? My mother's lips pinched and while she visibly tried to calm herself down, I turned to Yoora.

"Really. I'm fine with anything. Pick what you like. I'm just going to get some air." Yoora bit her bottom lip but nodded slowly and I made my escape quickly. I breathed in deep when I made it outside without my mother following me. I loved my mother a lot, but she was too much sometimes.

"Regretting it already?" A voice asked beside me. I jumped a little because I hadn't seen anyone when I had stumbled outside. The man next to me looked like he was a bit worse for wear. He had to be in his 40s, sporting a beard that was greying just a tiny bit at the tips, like his hair.

"Excuse me?"

"I asked if you're regretting deciding to get married." He said with a smirk. "This is my fifth trip to this store alone with my fiancé. I've seen that look on my own face in the mirror a few times." He chuckled, tapping out a cigarette from the box in his hand.

", not really. It's mother is here." I shrugged and he nodded in understanding.

"Somehow I feel like that's worse. They always seem to want to be a part of the process somehow. It's like a do-over, you know? She gets to fix everything that was wrong at her own wedding."

"Yeah, well, right now I think my mother wasn't very happy with the plates." I murmured and the guy laughed with the cigarette in his mouth. He was about to light it when another man pushed the door open from inside the store and peeked outside.

"Honey, really? You couldn't wait 10 minutes?" He said in exasperation.

"You said it was going to be 15 minutes. 15 minutes for you is an hour." He mumbled pulling the cigarette out of his mouth and shoving it back in its pack. Wait...Honey? I watched the two discreetly as they bickered in front of the store. Was this the guy's fiancé?

"We were literally 15 minutes this time. We're almost ready to pay."


"I need to get one more set of plates for you know who." He rolled his eyes.

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