Chapter Six

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I kept the window open on the drive up to Seoul. It wasn't long, but sometimes being in a car was enough to trigger my random motion sickness. The fresh air helped. When the driver stopped the car at a large apartment building, I hesitated getting out of the car. What the hell was I doing here? Yes, a chance to sing with D.O would be amazing but did I really think anything would come of it? It's not like my father would suddenly be supportive. He was dead set on me continuing with the family business. This small thing, to him anyway, would not stand in the way of that.

My limbs ached with want though. I wanted to do this. I wanted to get out there and sing and move people with just the sound of my voice. This would be the first step. Even if it was the only step I was going to take in that direction, I still wanted to take it. I got out of the car and rang the doorbell.

"Hello?" Came a deep voice.

"Um...yes, hi. This is Baekhyun. You sent the car for me?" There was a long moment of silence and then there was a buzz as the door in front of me opened. I jumped back a little startled, but I shook it off and headed inside. There was a long hallway and when I was halfway down it, the door at the end swung open. I stumbled over my feet when I saw D.O standing in the doorway.

"Baekhyun. Thank you for coming." He looked so serious standing there in his black jeans and t-shirt. I was nervous; that was my only excuse for saying what I did next.

"I thought you'd be taller." My eyes went wide when I realised what I'd said but he didn't even blink.

"I get that all the time." He said and stepped aside so I could walk in. "Follow me."

My mouth fell open when I walked into his studio in the basement.

"Wow..." I stared at all the equipment covering almost every inch of the room. "This is insane."

"I wanted the best." He shrugged and we sat down on the couch.

"Have you had time to go through the lyrics I sent you?"

"Yes, and I think I have it matched to the piece of music you sent with it. It sounds really good." I smiled. "I'm a big fan of ballads."

"I didn't ask you before, but I'm curious, did you have any vocal training?" He shifted around and pulled out his phone when it beeped but he just tapped it twice and put it back down.

"No. No training at all. I just... sing."

"That's great. Your voice is - " He picked up his phone again when it beeped 5 times in a row. "Fucking menace." He muttered and tossed it back on the chair.

"I'm sorry about that. Look, can we just get you inside the recording booth and test out a few lines?" I stood up quickly like he would change his mind. He wouldn't though, right? He drove me out here and everything already.

I hurried inside the booth and after he explained to me what everything inside here was for, he left me to my own devices, disappearing to the connecting room that allowed me to see what he was doing but not hear him until he pressed the button for the mic in the booth.

"OK. We'll start with the first verse and see how it goes. Here we go." The backing track played inside the headphones he had given me that I was wearing only over one ear. I hated not hearing myself when I sang. It made it difficult to control my pitch and it was impossible to tell if I was singing off-key or not.

I sang the first verse which was mainly the beginning of every love song. 'I like you. Do you like me? Let's see if this "together" stuff works...'

One Night Stand // A ChanBaek Fan FicDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora