Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: Updating early coz I'm sleepy... 😌zzZzzZ


"You're late." Was the first thing my father said to me. I bowed to him even though it made my head feel worse. I'd rushed to get home and found the blue suit already out for me, with a white shirt next to it. I wasn't late because of that. I was late because my mother had seen my face and gone crazy.

"Did you get into a fight?" She'd asked, sounding positively scandalised.

"No, Omma, no fights. I got hit by a car." I said, pulling down the suit off its hanger.

"A car?! What do you mean you got hit by a car?" It had taken 15 minutes to get dressed and another 15 to just get out of the house.

"Be careful, dear, will you? People are so busy on their phones these days..." She'd complained, even though I'd explained it was the icy roads that had been the cause. "We should sue, you know. We really should. You could have been badly hurt. Or died." She paled at that and only repeated reassurance that I hadn't broken anything and my brain wasn't bleeding into my skull had gotten me out the door. I was still 10 minutes late though.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly and my father huffed and turned his attention back to everyone who was sitting at the table. I sat down gingerly in the empty seat on is right and the meeting resumed again.

"Baekhyun-ssi?" A voice brought me out of my stupor and I felt cold all over. I hadn't been paying attention while our potential investors were speaking. I didn't even want to see what kind of face my father was making right now.

"I'm sorry?" I asked, blushing a little with embarrassment.

"It's OK. I was just asking if you were all right. You look a little worse for wear." He said haltingly. He was new to Korean. I guess I did look a little rumpled, despite the suit. I had tried to comb my hair back and to the side a little but it hurt too much to brush the hair over my bump so it was pulled back a little different from how I usually styled it. There were also the scratches on the side of my face that were impossible to cover with make-up.

"He's fine." My father answered for me and I pursed my lips. Shit. I nodded and gave Mr Zhong a small smile.

"I feel fine, thank you for asking. I'm sorry for not focusing." He looked like he didn't believe me, but he nodded and the meeting continued. Beside me my father stayed silent until the meeting was over and everyone had left the room.

"I don't appreciate you embarrassing me like this today." He said softly.

"I'm sorry, abu-nim." I really was, I just didn't know what I could have done differently. My head was already throbbing again and the slight sprain in my wrist had gotten worse as I'd tried to take notes to stay focused.

"You don't look sorry. You look like a mess. Look at yourself." I reached up to touch my hair lightly.

"It hurt to - "

"I'm not interested in excuses." He said gruffly and stood to make his way to the door. "The next time you walk into this office, you will look appropriate. I don't care what you have to do to make yourself presentable, but at least try not to look like you just came back from a night out drinking." I winced at that. I had tried to keep from touching my head because it was useless, but I must have slipped up a few times.

"Ne, abu-nim. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry. Just don't let it happen again." He left the door open when he left.

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