Chapter Eleven

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"Are you OK?" The bartender asked as I was paying for my drink. I smiled at him and gave him back the change which made his eyes widen.

"I'm good." I replied and left before I did something stupid like run back and tell Baekhyun that I was an idiot. I mean, I was an idiot...but a bigger one. I tucked my hands into my pocket once I was outside and hurried to the car Suho had leant me. Once I was inside, I flipped open the glove compartment and glared at the box of cigarettes that had been there since Suho and I had quit months ago. He said they were for moments of weakness but he hadn't touched it yet. Was this my moment of weakness? I looked back up through the windows that were starting to fog... Yeah, definitely a moment of weakness.

I ripped open the plastic packaging and had the foil open in seconds. I caught one with my teeth and tugged it out of the box. Just holding it in my mouth already made me feel better. I pursed my lips to keep it in place while I searched for a lighter but I couldn't find any. Shit. I banged my head against the back of the seat. Then I banged it again and swore loudly. Fuck it. Fuck everything. I turned on the engine and got the hell out of there, tossing the unused cigarette out the window.

"Chanyeol." My father said with his face already openly smiling as I stepped into the restaurant.

"Appa. You shouldn't be working when it's so cold." I scolded him and took off my coat so I could wrap it around him. He chortled when it pooled around his feet even with it hanging from his shoulders.

"I don't know where you get your height from." He said with a laugh, dragging my coat behind him like he was Batman. "And I've been working winters longer than you've been alive. I'll be fine." He coughed lightly but I could tell it was still bad.

"Did you go to the doctor?" I asked but he waved his hand back at me as he led me up the hallway to the kitchens. He didn't answer because as soon as the doors opened there was chaos. My father ran a neat kitchen but it always looked like it should be messy. Food was flying onto plates and being tossed out the delivery window at record speed. It never ceased to amaze me.

"Chanyeol! I'll make you something while you're here." The head chef said with a nod to me and was back watching his pots before I could even say no. I wasn't feeling particularly hungry tonight. I followed my father out through the kitchen doors and into the main dining room where he smiled at familiar faces and greeted new ones.

"I'll be with you in a second, OK?" He pointed at me. "I just need to have a word." The diner smiled wide and her wrinkled face became even more wrinkled, if that was possible. How old was she? I bowed politely and hurried after my father who was holding his office door open. I stepped inside, ducking a little to miss the beam that I always seemed to hit my head on when I wasn't paying attention.

"So what brings you here?"

"I was around." I shrugged. "Why are you here? I thought you were retiring?" The family restaurant was more of a passion project compared to the business side of things, but it was usually run by my mother. Where was she anyway?

"Oof. Retiring is for people on their death beds." He scoffed and moved around to his side of the desk, sinking into the chair.

"Then why give Yoora your controlling shares?" I asked with a small lump in my throat.

"Ah, well. Park Holdings is another story." He grumbled and steepled his fingers under his chin. "I needed to get away from the corporate world. Byun INC had the perfect solution."

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