Chapter Three

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A/N: Uuuuuuurgh 😵😵😵😵  lol. This chapter was frustrating.


CY: I still think your stance on double dipping should be reconsidered.

BH: How did you get this number?

I laughed to myself and snuck a look across the table. He was sitting stiffly in his chair, suit jacket buttoned up again. His hair still looked a little messy from our encounter in the bathroom. His phone was nowhere in plain sight though. Maybe it was on his lap.

CY: I promised your brother tickets to a concert.

Yep. As soon as my message went through, his eyes dropped to his lap and his phone blinked as he lifted it furtively to tap back an answer.

BH: Bribery is ridiculous.

CY: That's just because you've never been bribed with something you wanted.

He frowned this time and left his phone in his lap, covering it with his napkin. He wasn't eating though. He picked at his food and stopped one of the waiters walking around to hand his plate back to them.

"Is your brother on a diet or something?" I asked Baekbeom. I didn't think so, having seen his body before. Even in the dark, I could tell you didn't get muscle like that from starving yourself.

"Who?" He spun in his seat and checked the table next to us. The fact that his family was in the table next to us was weird in itself, but Mina had mumbled to me earlier that Baekboem and his father didn't get along much. "Oh, no. He just doesn't like to eat before he sings." He smiled at me.

Ah, yes. I had forgotten about that. The brother who was supposed to be an amazing singer. That was Baekhyun? I tilted my head as I stared at him but I don't know what that was supposed to do.


"Yeah, he said something about it messing with his vocal chords, I have no idea. I just know he's super anal about it." I nodded and looked down at my own plate. Everyone liked their superstitions in the music industry. I liked to play my guitar for just a little while before a performance. Strumming some notes helped me calm down.

"Does he play any instruments?" I asked.

"Piano mostly." Baekbeom snickered and peered over at the other table again. "Father didn't want to pay for lessons. He managed to him convince him in the end."


"He asked him every single day for a year."

"He sounds...determined." I said softly.

"About music, yes. Everything else?" He shrugged.

"I see."

I was getting so impatient waiting for the newlyweds to dance that I almost pushed them out of their seats myself. Just before I lost my mind, though, the MC announced it was time for the first dance.

I don't know what I was expecting when Baekhyun got up on that stage, but it was not anything like what I was hearing.

"Holy shit." I whispered.

"Right?" Mina's friend, Hyo Jin said next to me. She had been one of Mina's bridesmaids and part wedding coordinator. "When Baekbeom asked me to let his brother perform instead of you, I was a bit worried. Then I watched some of his videos online. He's really good."

Really good seemed like an understatement right now. He was amazing. His breath control was a talent all on its own. He hit a note that made my jaw drop and I was almost pissed when the song ended. There was a spattering of clapping in the crowd and then the DJ put on some classical music for the other guests to dance to. Baekhyun hurried down the stage and disappeared into the crowd.

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