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Morning came and she could smell breakfast coming from downstairs. The smell of that freshly bake bacon and eggs lingered and finally enters her nose. It woke her up instantly. She push away her blanket and sit in an upright position. A yawn escape her mouth as she did a quick stretch exercise on bed.

Her mom just left to china days ago for a conference and she put her trust to Renjun and Lucas to babysit her. In which (y/n) didn't oppose cause she needs someone to talk face to face.

'YO GOOD MORNING' came in Lucas with his loud ass voice. (y/n) heart jump a lil since she was still in zone out mode.

Lucas threw himself on her bed and rested his elbow on her bed while the other one on his hip. 'Sup cuz, breakie breakie' he playfully raise his eyebrows while smile widely to morning (y/n) and she can't help but smile back to it. Truly smile is contagious.

'i heard you're going on a date with Nana today eh' he stopped himself from laughing cause he find Jaemin's first name is funny. She gave Lucas a judge look and scoffed.

'firstly, we aren't going on a date and he's too precious to date me' she stated. 'now, get off my bed' she try to push away Lucas but he's too heavy. 'but why tho, you guys look great together and guess what I have your ship name'

Lucas let out a surprise laugh and roll back to (y/n) position as he was about to fall from the bed. (y/n) groan and she knew he wont let her off the bed before she hear his idea of their ship name.

'Na (y/n)' he express it like its a big thing. She laugh it away and join his imaginary. 'Jung Lucaseu' Lucas gave his amused look and blurt out Ew word.

'Breakfast ready!' Renjun called out from the stair. Lucas quickly get off her bed and brush of his white shirt which read WE GOTTA DREAM MAN! in a bold word.

He brag about it last few days ago where he said the T-shirt that he was wearing is limited and he's the only one who was able to get it from a competition. He's such a Dreamies fan.

'get on my back' he offered. 'Hmm?' she was bewildered. He was already on his knee to the floor. 'hurry up' he said, adjusting his position. She got the gist and push away her blanket and get on Lucas's back.

He lifted her off from the floor and adjust again his position so that she's comfortable with the riding.They went down the stairs carefully.

'Wow you're-'

'i'm not heavy'

'yes you are'

'No, i'm not'

Lucas let out a chuckle which he then earn a big smack on his head. 'Ya!' he said, between his laughing.

Lucas has been her big bro figure since childhood and he and Renjun have been there watching her growing up. Their age are not that different either and they are close like glues. From ugly to even more ugly its what Lucas always tease her.

We reach the bottom of the stairs and he harshly land her on the sofa. 'geez' she blurt out, her long black hair are now messily covering her face and she laugh away with it. She did see it coming.

'Lucas' glared Renjun. Lucas held out his both hand in defense and laugh. He pick up the newspaper today on our coffee table which was place on the corner of the dining room and walk towards their breakfast table.

(y/n) blow up a few strands of her hair in front of her face and get off from the couch and join Lucas and Renjun.

'wow, sandwhich for breakfast?' she pull out the chair from the table and sit in front of Lucas. Renjun was wearing his red shirt that he got from Doyoung last month and his bed hair sticking out are the cutest thing ever.

'Nope' Renjun said, wiping the stain on the kitchen counter. 'that will be our picnic foods' he then untie his apron and hang it beside our stove.

'Picnic?' she exclaim in happiness. Its been a while she haven't had any picnic day out with her cousins and now renjun mention bout it I mean it will be great if they spend the day together.

Lucas who are now down to 4 fried egg stop while playfully raising his fork while chewing down the food. 'Aren't you going out with Jaemin today? Did you forget?' Ahhh! Her date with jaemin thought hit her.

'ahh yeah, im going out with Jaemin today, sorry renjun' she held out her apology hands.

Renjun rolls his eyes and hand (y/n) her breakfast.She took it and say thanks for the foods. He took his seat beside (y/n) and they begin to eat it until her phone suddenly rang.

'Wow, is that the new ringtone from Exo "Tempo"?' said Lucas, astounded. She nodded and put down her spoon down and reach her phone in her short pant pocket. She look up to her phone screen to see familiar name on it.

It was Jaemin.

She excuse herself from them and when to the living room to answer it.

'Hello?' she answer. 'Hi hello, is this (y/n)?' She was shock at the voice of the person she speak with are not the familiar voice she always hear. 'yes, I'm (y/n) who are you?' she said. She recheck again the name of the person who call her and surprisingly it is Jaemin's phone number.

'I'm Chenle' he introduced himself with a slight cheery tune in it.

'H-how do you got this phone from jaemin? Where is him?. Said (y/n) with her now worried tone.

Is jaemin being robbed? Is he been kidnapped? Do this person wants my money? I don't have that much of money! Omo what to do! Is he okay? Oh lord save him.

'Hello?' he said it a couple of time and eventually (y/n) snapped out from her overthinking. 'if you still there, I just want to tell you that Jaemin got into an accident' he continue.

'Accident?!' she widened her eyes, almost dropped her phone.


>So far I'm writing this without any plot story :')

>Unexpected things will happen every now and then

>Jeno will be showing somewhere on chapter 4 haha, bare with me

>Next chapter will be your FLASHBACK

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