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Playlist: Beautiful by Exo Baekhyun


There's a big promotions going on that time and (y/n) mum really obssesed with this kind of low price promotion until she forget that (y/n) is not in her sight anymore.


(y/n) was waiting for her mum outside the mall when she could'nt find her mum. She went to a nearby bench situated around a fountain and crosses her little arms while her eyes are searching for her mum.

30 minutes have passed and she havent seen her mum's figure. Where could she be? She thought. With her a cute fluffly sling back dangling across her shoulder she went inside and search for her mum.

She entered the mall just to find that the mall are now pack even more people. Then out of nowhere came her mum sight battling for the branded handbag that are now selling at a low price. Her shout could be hear from far away and you will know it right away.

(y/n) sigh and turn her heels from the crowded people and went outside the mall again. For a 5 years old kid, she was quite bored.

She went to a nearby cotton candy booth that located 20 feets away from the mall and pick her favourite flavour. After she exchange money with the aunty she when ahead and sit on the chair that have been prepared for guest.

The sun was shining brightly but thankfully the big umbrella stand block it. She continue eating it quietly while watching people pass by the booth.

A figure was walking his way to the candy booth and he looks like (y/n) age. He has that smart hair boy's look and his clothes are really rich looking. He was holding a yellow balloon and he stared for a long time to the candy booth.

Is he going to buy or not? She thought. She finished the last cotton and went back to the candy booth to buy another one.

The boy look at her with a confuse face and went back staring at the candy that was hanging up the car booth. She turn her head to face the boy and hand the cotton candy to him. The boy who once own the confuse face turns into a smile and he gladly took it.

His eyes was shimmering under the sun ray and it's the first time she notice that he's quite cute. He's cat eyes smile caught her off guard and she can't help but blush.

'Thank you' he said. While plucking the cotton and eats it. His yellow balloon are still tie around his left wrist and it bump his head once every while when he eat.

(y/n) slowly nodded. Her gaze are still on him until she remembered that she wasn't suppose to talk to stranger. She realised what she had done and took a step back away from the boy and ran away.

The boy quietly watch her as she went away and kunfused for a second and smile.


>I think you know who's that boy eh?

>I'm going to post 4 time in a week and hopefully I get more audience to read my story :')

>what do you think so far of my ff?

>New chapter is out!

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