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"Any trace of my purse yet?," ask (y/n). Her hair was tie like a bun now and sweats are drippin from her face.

Jeno lend her a tissue from his pocket and (y/n) took it without hesitation. She began to feel his companion very relaxed.

"Do you have siblings?," she asked. Jeno look over at (y/n) and he gave a faint smile.

"I'm the only child," he responded back. They walk a bit more inside the core of the park.

"I'm the only child too,"


"Well not really, I have cousins who act like my bros, they're everything to me"

"That's nice,"


He smiled. He turn his cap around his head as the tip of the cap disturb him. He stopped (y/n) steps with his arm and it hits her neck.


"Careful there's a dog's poop infront of you," he pointed it with his face.

"Wouldn't want to get into another harship again huh?"

She chuckled and her eyes widened.

GEEZ thats a one big pile of shits i almost ruin my white shoes for it, oh wait it's already ruin by the mud, garhhhhh.


"You're welcome." He grinned widely.

There's one thing he notice about him. His eyesmile. It makes her heart jumps and she was embarassed by it. Don't talk to stranger. Her mother once said but she's in a situation she can't even make herself out from it. She was captivated by him. The way he walk, the way he talk, it's just something.

"Sorry mother," she blurted out not realizing she said it out loud.

"Huh what's that?,"

"Huh? What?"

"You said 'sorry mother'?"

"Oh, pfft did I? ignore it"

(y/n) settle herself down on an empty bench and sigh. She start to fans herself with her hand.

"I'll go buy us a drinks" he said. She nodded. "Thanks."

With that, he went away with that yellow balloon still tying on his wrist.

"He's been attaching himself with that yellow thing, What's with that yellow balloon tho," she wondered.

She then lay her body on the bench and block the sun with her hands. It's been 45 minutes they search for her missing purse but still can't find it. She hoped that nobody took it as the money her parent's gave her are for the bills to their house.

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