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(Y/n) heart dropped when she heard about Jaemin invovle in an aciddent. 

'YA! Don't play with me! How do you even get his phone!' her tone are now slightly shaking and she was angry. 'Yo, chill' he try to calm her down. 'He told me to tell you that he's fine and its just a minor scratch' he explained.

'Where are you?' she said. 'At the park' he said,and it was the last thing she heard before the call was disconnected.

'Ya!' she yell. She can't believe it. This Kid. She let out a long sigh and when back to the kitchen just to find renjun and lucas have been eavesdropped her whole conversation.

Renjun clear his throat and nudge Lucas to save the awkward situation. Lucas look back to Renjun and back at (y/n) and let out an awkward laugh.

'You heard it guys' she sighed, and went straight to her bedroom. They can hear (y/n) mumbles about something they can't get to it.

'I guess she haven't know what Jaemin is going through' said Renjun, walking his way to their breakfast table.

'It will be tough for (y/n) to accept it' said Lucas, while passing the eggs plate to him.

'She will, sooner or later and when the time comes she needs to let it go'


A boy with a black hoodie and a black cap was seen walking past a nearby shop with a different type of snacks displaying outside the shop. He secreatly snuck in some snacks to his pocket while cautiously checking his surrounding.

His backpack was full of clothes and things for his needy but sadly he didn't have that much of money with him. In short, he ran away from his house.

'HEY!' came a voice, his action was caught by a boy who was just came out from the shop. He quit his stealing and storm away from that situation.

He thought running will be his solution as he saw the boy are now chasing after him. People are now watching the scene of a cat chasing a mice and it wasn't a good view.

He run and run until he reach a narrow road between the building. He went in and wait for the boy to fall for his trap.

Just as he expect, he went in. He pinned down the boy to the wall and took out a knive. He pointed out the knive to his stomach and demand money from him.

'I don't have money!' the boy said. 'Liar!' he then rummage through his pocket and find nothing. Then a knee was hit directly on his stomach. He fall to the ground but quickly regain his position and leave a  cut to the boy's leg.

The boy scream in pain as the boy with the black hoodie left the scene. He run as far as he could and didn't even turn his back. He felt guilty.

He was desperate.  

He has no relatives to contact or any close person to talk about his problem. His stepmother hated him and his dad has long abandoned him since his biological mother pass away.

A tear fall down from his eyes and he wipe it away instantly. He doesnt want to show his weakness to everyone. He needs to be strong.

He reach to a low price hotel and book one bedroom to stay for the night. It was his last saving before he ran away from home.

His key for his bedroom was given and he went up the stairs to search for it. After 2 minutes, he found it and unlock the door. He lock the door after he came in and throw himself to the bed.

He buried his face into the pillow and cry more. He was hurt and it even more hurt when no one is even there with him. He wondered of what possibly go wrong with his life. 

The crying makes him tired and he eventually fall asleep. 

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