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(Y/n) search her purse high and low and blame herself many times for her clumsy behaviour.

"I swear my purse are here somewhere, now where is it gone now!," her frustrated get the best of her until she doesn't realise a kid push her as she was bending.

She let out a shock scream and her body land on top of the dirt wet grass. She quickly recover her position and stand up with her two feet. Her clothes are now dirt trend.

"YA!," she turn her back with a full swing and caught a little girl was laughing at her. She had many balloons tying around each of her wrist and she had those happy kid face you found on Television when they received a candy.

Infact (y/n) aint buying it.

"COME HERE YA LIL-," she stopped her step as her mother came to her and probably telling her its time to go. The kid refuse and stomped her feet but eventually gave up and took her mother's hand.

"YEAH YOU BETTER BE A GOOD DAUGHTER YA LIL-," a family with a kid on a stroller knitted their eyebrows as they realise that she's about to curse. "Ya lil- flowers which, I'm not gonna say a curse word cause ya know it's a bad word and I'm not a bad person and you know what? I'm gonna shut up." she pursed her lips together.

The family with a kid on the stroller shook their heads and went away while mumbling something that she can't make off. NICE GOING (y/n) REAL SMOOTH.

She then channel her eyes for that little girl who pushed her and it seems her mother was mad at her.

They start to walk away from her sight and that little girl didn't forget to stick her tongue out to (y/n) as they walk away.

She gasp loudly and quickly throw out an invisble punching. She was ready to throw her fist but control herself cause now her clothes are wet with mud.

"Ahh, great now I smell like unbath salmon " She started to reach her phone inside her pants and called Jaemin. The phone keep on beeping for a couple of time but jaemin didn't answer it. She close the voicemail talking and call again.

"Ya, did you so busy with the foods that you aren't answering me?," She retorted. She settle down on a nearby bench and starts to call jaemin again.

The phone call starts to beep a couple of time as she brush off the dirt on her clothes and let out a disgust face as she is a clean person.

As she was calling, her eyes caught a boy with a yellow balloon tying around his wrist. From a distance, she can see those eye smile upon his face. He was picking a cotton candy flavour and he have a hard time of choosing one.

He remind her of someone she met long time ago. Is he her classmate? Mom's friend's son?, boy next door?, enemy? She can't make it.

Her phone call finally reach Jaemin but she switches it off.

Her feet take her closer to the boy with the yellow balloon. She hid behind a tree and trying her best to peak.

"I'll take this one," said the boy. Finally deciding his favourite flavour. The aunty that was once work there are now taken over by her daughter. "Here's your Watermelon flavoured cotton candy," respond the girl, the boy took it as they both exchanges money.

"Oh, He likes watermelon,hmm" whisper (y/n).

Flys started to circle around her and it makes her iritated. She smack them away with her hands and her actions caught the boy. She gasp. She was stoned for a sec.

His eyes are fixed to (y/n) and he was amused by her present. (y/n) quickly turn her back and crouch down. She was embarassed by the fact she was stalking the boy.

Her heart beats fast as she brave herself to take the second peak behind the tree.

"Eh?," she said, tucking back her hair as it keep blocking her views. He is not there anymore. Did I scared him off? Lmao.

"Hello?," a voice came from behind her back. She was shock to see the boy are now standing infront of her. A heat rise up from her neck.

She regain her position and bow her head. He chuckled.

"What are you bowing for?," he commented. (y/n) lifted her head just to find his eyes smile. He looks really cute.

"I'm sorry for stalking you and therefore I must take my leave." she bow once again but was stopped by the boy.

"I'm Jeno." he introduce himself.

"I-I'm.. I'm (y/n)," her eyes was fixed to his balloon and back to Jeno.

"May I ask, why where you checking me out?," he knitted his eyebrows.

(y/n) let out a nervous laugh and play around with her hands

"Checking yo-you out? Pfft, no-no I wasn't haha,"

"You're stalling,"

"Did I?"

He grinned. "Rough day you're having eh?"

She looked over her clothes and nodded. "Some kid pushed me into a pile of wet mud when I was searching for my lost purse,"

"You lost your purse?," He asked.

"Somewhere in the park,"

"Do you want me to help you search it?"

She was hesitated for a second and she doesn't know if this guy will stole her money if he ever finds it but she was desperate, the money for her to pays the bills are in there, and also she had other things to spend on.

"Really? Will it bother your time tho?"

"It won't" he smiled. He finished his cotton candy with three big mouthful of it and brush off his hand.

"Let's go,"

(y/n) nodded and when off to find her missing purse.

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