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The boy was walking passed the mall where he remember back his mother once took him there where a big annual promotion was held. He smile as he think about the moment he was lost in the crowd and end up finding his way back.

It's been a while he didn't take this path to reach to his destination as he always took a shortcut. He thinks it's a best way to take long stroll while releasing his stress.

"Mommy I want a balloon!," cry a little girl who's about 5, begging her mother to buy her one.

Her mother shush her daughter with her finger as she was busy on her phone ignoring her pleading. She left her standing crying infront of the balloon booth.

He went slowly to the little girl and when he was closer he saw that she was covering her face with her tiny hand, tears rolling down her delicate face as her crying become loud.

He crouch down so that his height are the same as the girl. He calm her down by patting her head with both of his hand and rub away the tears.

"Hey, it's okay," He said. "I'll buy you many balloons as you want."

The little girl's crying begin to tune down as she slowly let down her hands just to meet a stranger who was looking at her with a warm smile.

He continue patting her head and give her a tissue to wipe her tears.

"There, you're alright, now give me a smile," he asked. The little girl gave him a smile which make him smiled back.

"What's your name?"


"Roseanne," he repeated

"That's a beautiful name"

"Thank you." She said, smilling.

He let the little girl choose the balloons she wants and he pays for it.

What I'm getting myself into? He asked himself in disbelieve.

He shake his head and hand the balloons to the girl. The girl thanked him again and when to her mother who was still talking on the phone.

He then turn his back just to notice a man was watching him.

"Nice thing, you did there boy." Said the owner of the balloon's booth. He gave the owner his smile and shrug. "I just did what my mother always told me too"

He put back his wallet back to his pocket and regret that he just waste half of his money for a work of kindness. He let out a long sigh.

"Here," the owner gave him a balloon to cheer him up. "You look a lil stress there son," The boy decline his gift but the owner took his hand and tie it around his wrist.

"I hope this balloon can cheer you up and took this gift as a token of your kindness," The owner who happen to be in his 50, smiled and patted his back.

"Everything is gonna be alright," he added again. "Thank you." The boy said. He then bow down and when straight to his destination.

As he was walking, a familiar memories came to his mind.

Yellow balloon on his left wrist. The same path he took when he was lost. It's all came back to him again.

The weather was the same as the day he last been there.

Now he just need someone to be there. Someone he doubt that he would see again.

Just her.

That girl.

-Sorry for the late updates but here it is!
-I hope you guys have been enjoying reading my ff so far (+_+)
-Tell me in the comments bout what you think and please votes!💕

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