One // I

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The only problem with a bleeding heart pouring out love, is that the blood will stop eventually and the heart will patch over - or at least attempt to.

"Are we awake?
Am I too old to be this stoned?"

10 years later:

The morning sunlight, shining through the gaps of the sheer curtains awakens the blonde woman from her much needed slumber. Unable to retain anymore sleep, Taylor strips out of last nights clothes and pulls on a white t-shirt and a fresh pair of underwear.

She slips her cold feet into a pair of fluffy slippers and grabs a blue lighter and pack of cigarettes from the side table. Her ice blue eyes glance at the tired looking girl fast asleep under the white sheets and she quickly slips onto the balcony of their shared apartment for the past five years.

Once Karlie had gotten into Columbia University on a Computer Science course, they decided to live apart until Karlie finished her degree. However, with Taylor coming around so often after she'd after she'd finished her course they were already practically living together - soon after they officially moved in together.

Taylor shivers slightly due to the cold wind hitting her barely covered skin on the balcony - she pulls a cigarette out of the full pack of 20 that she knows will be empty by lunch, and lights it up before beginning to inhale the smoke. The nicotine rush not fully hitting her the way it used to, but nonetheless, it made her feel some type of way as her lungs did nothing but accept the toxicity that it was being presented with.

Getting bored of the cigarette, the blonde woman pulls out a thin metal box that she'd stuffed in the waist band of her underwear and pulled out a blunt instead - throwing the cigarette on the floor simultaneously.

The pungent smell filled the air of the quiet morning as a few cars drove past the usually busy New York City roads. Taylor's body welcomed the green substance that she had continued to use since the party where she had first tried it.

Instantly, she felt more relaxed as her hangover that had began making her head pound even more furiously than before subsided a little.

As she finished smoking as much as she could from the blunt, she wandered back inside and found the bed empty. This was usually the normal routine, and as expected, when she walked out of the singular bedroom - she found her girlfriend cleaning up the remains from last nights antics.

Last night, just like most nights, Taylor's friends came around and drank, smoked and partied until the early hours of the morning. Ed ended up passing out in their bathroom, Selena made out with Lily just for the fun of it, Harry and Cara played beer pong and Taylor drank until she was numb and void of feeling.

Apparently the ginger had left about an hour ago so Taylor didn't have to deal with kicking him out like usual.

She stands in the doorway as she watches Karlie pick up all of the litter and empty beer bottles left lying around on the floor across the whole apartment and places them into a black bag. At this point in their relationship, she was used to it.

This was their 10th year of dating, but judging by the way they acted, you wouldn't know unless somebody mentioned it.

However, this morning, Taylor felt different. Her conscience became guilty about it for the first time in forever as she watched her girlfriend pick up her mess from last night. Karlie had been at work from 8am until 10pm and here she was at 6am the next morning, cleaning the apartment before heading to work again.

Her mind starts spinning in all sorts of directions as she stands lifeless in the doorway of their bedroom, observing her insanely gorgeous girlfriend move swiftly around.

 A Change Of Heart ♀KaylorWhere stories live. Discover now