Nine // IX

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"Then she said, "I've been so worried 'bout you lately
You were fit but you're losing it
You played a part, 'this is how it starts'"
Oh I just had a change of heart"

6 Months Later:

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

"For fuck's sake," Taylor mumbles as she climbs out of her bed that she had just gotten into to finally sleep.

Tiredly, she trudges along the hardwood floors and opens the door and rubs her eyes furiously to keep them open.

"Cara?" She questions the blonde standing at the door.

"That would be me. You gonna invite me in?"

Taylor opened the door further and watched as Cara slipped past her and sat on the couch.

"What are you doing here? I was just about to go to sleep," The tall blonde complains, as she joins Cara on the couch.

"You do realise it's 9 am?" Cara asks, confused as to why her friend was just about to fall asleep at a weird time.

"I was at the record label again. I don't know if I like the promotion or not," Taylor sighs as she settles into a blanket.

"Oh yeah, almost forgot that you're all responsible and shit now. Miss AR Coordinator. Whatever the fuck that means."

"It's not even just that. They also hired me to song-write as well as being the AR Coordinator - which, for the record, means I find fresh talent and oversee the completion of new albums. So I was in all of last night songwriting and then sorting out interviews and auditions for this new band called 'The 1975' I found in this cafe. So yeah, I was about to fall asleep now because I just got back," Taylor explained.

Cara just nodded her head, not really understanding, "I can't believe you got promoted from a receptionist to this within a matter of months. Sleeping with your boss goes a long way."

Taylor shoves Cara, "I did not sleep with my boss!"

"Whatever you say. I don't blame you though, she's hot as fuck. I wouldn't mind seducing Selena Gomez for a promotion," Cara says, ignoring Taylor's statement that she, in fact, did not sleep with her boss to get where she was. Which was true - she didn't.

What actually happened was Selena's assistant was ill so she took the day off, and this resulted in Taylor essentially acting as her temporary assistant. She was handed a guitar and told to place it in the audition room for the next person to audition. However, she couldn't help herself and seeing as she was alone, she began to play a couple of chords and started to sing along.


"How long have you been playing and singing," a voice asked from behind her.

"Erm..." she gulped, sure that she was going to be in trouble and probably fired now.

"It's ok, I'm not angry. Just curious. You seem really good. Makes me wonder why you're wasting your talent sitting at the front desk answering calls when you do obviously deserve a more musical role here," Selena said, as she took her seat opposite the stage.

"I've been playing, singing and songwriting for 17 years," she says shyly. She'd never spoken about her passion for music with anyone other than Karlie and Cara.

Selena seemed to be in deep thought and took a moment before she replied, "Can you sing something of yours that you've written please? I mean, obviously you don't have to, but - "

 A Change Of Heart ♀KaylorWhere stories live. Discover now