Seven // VII

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"You used to have a face straight out of a magazine
Now you just look like anyone
I just had a change of heart"

It had been exactly six months since Karlie and Jourdan had seen or spoken each other; the dark-skinned woman had been doing some work in Africa with the charity she works at that helps underprivileged kids gain an education. The area that they had gone to was so rural that she didn't get signal on her phone and had no way of contacting others. Jourdan had been set to come back the week before Christmas, but they had completed building the new school and setting it up three months early, so she wanted to surprise her best friend.

She knocked three times on the apartment door and had huge grin on her face as she rocked on her feet in excitement and anticipation.

After what felt like forever, the door finally unlocked and opened and behind it stood a groggy Taylor.

"Oh, hi Taylor," Jourdan said as her grin fell to a small, polite smile. It was no secret she wasn't Taylor's hugest fan considering the way she treated Karlie, but she put up with the blonde for her best friends happiness.

She took in the blondes appearance, she was a pale colour, she had little sweat stains on her t shirt, dark bags under her eyes and shaky hands. All classic withdrawal symptoms, but she decided against bringing it up.

"Jourdan?!" Taylor said, her tired eyes widening as she took in the sight of the tall brunette in front of her.

"That's my name," Jourdan replied sarcastically.

Taylor rolled her eyes, she wasn't exactly jumping with excitement to see Jourdan either really, "Yeah I know. I just didn't expect to see you at my door."

"Where's Kar?"

Taylor fell silent, she thought Karlie would've told her best friend that they had broken up, but it didn't seem that way. Then she remembered, Jourdan had been in Africa.

"Oh, I think you need to come inside," Taylor said as she opened the door further to allow the younger girl in.


"Wait, what!?" Exclaimed Jourdan, as she tried soaking in everything Taylor had told her over the last half an hour. Her hands were shaking in anger as she gripped the letter that Karlie had written.

"We broke up. We're finished," Taylor said sadly.

"She's my fucking best friend and you hurt her you piece of shit! I could turn a blind eye to the way you behaved because she was happy, but these last few years I don't even think she was the tiniest bit happy in this relationship!" Jourdan spat out in her enraged state.

"I'm sorry," whispered Taylor, as if these two simple words were enough to take back all the hurt she caused Karlie.

Walking dangerously close to where Taylor was stood, Jourdan shoved the girl backwards. "You're a pathetic excuse of a human being. She deserved better than you."

Instead of cowering away from the brunette, Taylor walked even closer to her so that she could feel her warm breath hitting her skin. "Hit me again."

"What?" Jourdan asked, no longer mad but confused by the request.

"Go on! Hit me again!" Taylor screamed this time, bringing Jourdans hands to her body and hitting herself with them.

 A Change Of Heart ♀KaylorWhere stories live. Discover now