Three // III

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"I'll quote 'On The Road' like a twat
And wind my way out of the city
Finding a girl who is equally pretty won't be hard
Oh, I just had a change of heart"

Tonight was one of the rare nights where Karlie returns home from work early in the evening and finds no one home - as soon as she steps foot inside of the unusually quiet apartment, she texts Taylor to see where she is and receives a reply within the minute.

At Harry's penthouse, of course. He came into a lot of money when his grandfather passed away when he was eighteen and left all of his possessions to the irresponsible boy. What he inherited included an insanely huge eight-bedroom penthouse that was on the other side of Tribeca from where Karlies own apartment was. The second the whole friendship group graduated high school, they all moved into the penthouse and have lived their ever since (well everyone except Taylor).

Glancing at the time, 7:06, Karlie takes her heels off and sits on the couch with her head in her hands - her mind wandering back to her previous thoughts this morning. She wanted to go, she wanted to leave Taylor, to leave his world behind.

Actually, she didn't want to leave Taylor, she had to for her own well-being at this point. For once, she was putting herself first. Karlie had to admit that Taylor gave her an amazing first five years of their relationship, but the second five years was when everything deteriorated into what it was today.

"We aren't compatible," The brunette whispered to herself repeatedly as she squeezed her eyes shut when she felt tears prick at her eyes.

Every time she mutters the sentence, her mind said something back, but you love her.

This morning the decision had been so easy, she knew without a shadow of a doubt that she was going to leave Taylor as soon as possible; but in this moment, she had started to doubt herself.

She did still love Taylor and would always no matter what, but she also knew she couldn't stay any longer - it felt like Taylor was her drug but not in a good way, in a way that was slowly killing her and she knew she had to give it up no matter how much she would miss and long for it.

For ten minutes she sat their sobbing and letting all of her emotions out - she thought about all of the pros and cons of this life-changing choice she had made, whilst her heart tried to talk her out of it. Her head won.

As the last few years fell from her red and puffy eyes, she grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. Karlie let everything she had been feeling for the past week flow out as words on the paper - she explained her reasons for leaving and how she would always be in love with her as long as she breathed. After filling up two sides of A4, she signed off 'Love forever and always, Karlie'.

Folding the simple piece of paper up that contained complex words that expressed confusing emotiotions, she placed it into an envelope and sealed it - she wrote Taylor's name on the front and left it on their bed.

From under the bed she grabbed a big suitcase and a backpack. She emptied her side of the closet into the suitcase and then pottered around the rest of the apartment, taking important things that belonged to her and throwing them in. It didn't take her long to fill the suitcase up and then she placed necessities and small items inside her backpack.

Taking a final look around the apartment, Karlie had memories of sad and happy moments flash through her mind and in an instant the tears were back.

With her suitcase trailing behind her and her backpack hung from one shoulder, she locked the door to their apartment one last time, and made her way to her car that she had left parked on the street. It was funny, because as she got into it, it felt like a getaway car - then again, it was a getaway car. She was getting away from Taylor.

 A Change Of Heart ♀KaylorWhere stories live. Discover now