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Warning: Gun violence and suicide.

2 Weeks Later:

Taylor wipes away the single and only tear she's allowed to fall all day as she sat in the back of the taxi, the graveyard being left behind her - yet the memory of Karlie staying with her.

She remembers having to comfort Karlies little sisters, Kariann and Kimby, as they sobbed on either side of her. Despite how she treated Karlie, Taylor had always had a strong bond with the twins, they even continued to talk regularly after the breakup .

The weather had been proving that pathetic fallacy was real as the rain started to drizzle during the beginning of the ceremony - yet as she drove away, she could see the sun coming out now and thought how that was more appropriate for the girl she thought of as literal sunshine.

Taking deep breathes to calm herself, Taylor pays the Taxi-man, and steps out onto a side street.

She enters the tall building by its side entrance and is met with dozens of busy looking people due to the last minute changes she had made to  her record label about a week ago - which only gave them a week to implement her new idea.

"Miss Swift, you need to be at the podium in 17 minutes," her personal assistant, in a frantic state, said as she ushered the woman further into the building and towards hair and makeup.

Taylor tuned out of the makeup team as they gossiped around her, thinking of nothing in particular, and let out a sight of relief when they finally finished.

She takes a look around the ground floor of the building, everything had been set up as she had requested, the receptionist was making final adjustments to her desk as everyone rushed around in a panicked state - panicking even more so when they saw Taylor.

Lauren, her personal assistant, came up to her again and let her know she needed to make her way throughout the front entrance now.

"Don't worry, it's all pretty much set up in here," a random man who she didn't recognise said to her as he passed by - mistaking her emotionless face for worry.

Taylor took off her overcoat, revealing a smart pantsuit, and finally stepped out of the building and stood at the podium at the top of the short stairs; she closed her eyes tightly for a second before opening them and allowing the sunlight to filter into her vision from the sun that was directly in front of her. She couldn't help but think that it was Karlie watching over her with a proud smirk and the thought made her significantly more confident.

Her gaze shifted to the bottom of the concrete stairs where a huddle of people stood on the pavement; there were a few TV cameras, half a dozen photographers, many reporters, some members of the public who were interested in the common room, and most importantly her friends.

A smile plastered itself on her face as she ignored the flashing cameras and looked directly at Harry, Cara, Selena, Ed, Lily and even Jourdan, who were stood slightly to the right of the main crowd.

Nothing would ever compare to her seeing her favourite emerald green eyes, but seeing all of her friends came pretty close.

Some of Karlies last words made its way into her mind and she grinned even wider if it wasn't possible.

'Look at you now, you're successful and you're starting your own record label, and that makes me so fucking happy because I can see how happy it makes you.'

 A Change Of Heart ♀KaylorWhere stories live. Discover now