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Cara stood in Taylor's apartment holding the familiar letter and reading it again an again, trying to make sense of the last part of it. Suicide letters didn't come more vague than this one.

Dear Cara,

I'm hoping this note gets to you. I guess you're wondering why I chose to address it to you, well it's mainly because I don't have anyone else and you are the person I trust the most. We had our ups and downs as teenagers, but we learned from our mistakes.

Karlie was the love of my life and it was unbearable without her, I felt so alone even when you were sat beside me, comforting me as I cried on your shoulder. If you can't understand why I decided to do what I did, then please just accept it.

Thank you for everything you've done for me.
But I want to ask for one more favour. Set it free.

Love, Taylor.

What the hell did 'set it free' mean?

Cara sighed frustratedly and once again began searching the deceased woman's apartment. After another hour of searching for what her best friend meant, she decided to give up and retired to the couch to relax.

She sipped a cold beer and her mind slipped back to all the significant moments between her and Taylor, finally she cane to the one where found out her best friend had committed suicide only last week. Then a few days later she was given the letter as well as all of Taylor's belongings because apparently she was the only one in her will.

Cara thought back to more joyous memories and recalled the moment Taylor had allowed her to read the book she was writing about her and Karlie. Then a lightbulb went off in her head and she jumped off the couch and made her way to the bedroom.

The blonde found the laptop and started it up, she found there was no password and went into the computers documents. After scrolling for a while, she found what she was looking for. It was appropriately named 'Taylor and Karlie' so it wasn't that hard to recognise.

She opened the file and was met with three hundred and fifty two pages of a beautifully written and romantic story with a tragic ending. The woman read it all from start to finish and by the time she finished reading it, it was nightfall and she was crying. Before doing anything else, she renamed it. A Change Of Heart.

Cara knew what had to be done. She knew what had to be set free. The book. And that is what she did.


The book shot to number one as soon as it was published, selling millions of copies. It was surreal. When asked by the publishing company if she wanted the royalties, she decided to give all of her share of the money to charities that supported mental health issues and cancer. It was the least she could do. On top of that, the record company was thriving with Ed as the new CEO.

Despite being bitter for Taylor leaving her for Karlie when they were younger, she couldn't help but be grateful for the brunette entering her best friends life. She wasn't denying that their relationship had become toxic, because no one's relationship is ever perfect, but it was one she could admire from afar. There were cracks, but the foundation was always solid because they never stopped loving one another.

Cara had just finished a tv show appearance, despite not being the author, she could give a pretty good explanation of the book and talk about it in depth.

Just as she stepped into the lobby of the building, she ran into someone.

"I'm so sorry," the young woman apologised as Cara took in her frantic appearance - her brunette hair was tied back messily, she was sweating slightly and juggling about  seven things in her hands including piping hot coffee.

"Do you want any help?" She found herself asking, instantly gravitating towards her.

The woman seemed taken back by the offer at first but gladly accepted. Cara took some of the the paperwork to lighten her load and they walked side by side before reaching a conference room and setting it on the table.

"I'm Cara," she introduced herself, holding out her hand for the other one to take.

"I'm Kendall," she replied, shaking Cara's hand with a small smile on her face.

"What's a beautiful woman like you doing, bringing people coffee?" She asked.

Kendall blushed at the compliment, "I'm an intern so it's kind of my job."

"When do you get off?"

"I'm not sure yet, I might have to work overtime," she replied with a hint of sadness.

Cara just smirked, "How abut I'll give you my number and you can text me when you're free and we can go out to dinner or something. How does that sound?"

"Uh...g-great," The brunette stammered and then nervously chuckled, before just standing there.



"Give me your phone," she laughed.

"Oh right, yeah. Forgot about that," she said, blushing in embarrassing as she pulled her phone out of her pocket and handed it to the beautiful blonde in front of her.

Cara quickly typed the digits in and handed the phone back.

"I'll see you around."

 A Change Of Heart ♀KaylorWhere stories live. Discover now