Eight // VIII

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"I feel as though I was deceived
I never found love in the city
I just sat in self-pity and cried in the car
Oh I just had a change of heart."

The hope for finding love that Karlie previously held had deteriorated, as she realised during her change of heart that she did not, in fact, find a real and lasting love in the city.

This was the brunette first thought and revelation as she awoke and started packing her stuff away into her car, unable to stay in the old motel any longer.

She had decided, rather stupidly, to drive back to her old apartment in Tribeca and pay her ex girlfriend a visit to give he photo albums back. Despite promising to herself that she would never voluntarily see Taylor ever again, she wanted to give the memories back in person because she thought it was the respectable thing to do - or at least that's what her excuse was.

Karlie was merely lying to herself.

In reality, she just wanted to see Taylor again and see how the blonde was holding up. It was incredibly stupid but she was past trying to act like she had any common sense left.

"Are you sure about this?" Jourdan asks for the third time this morning as she places the last box which was full of clothes in the back seat. She was concerned and knew her best friend shouldn't be doing this, Karlie had always been great at making bad decisions - but all Jourdan could do was be supportive, she didn't want to push the girl to change her mind.

Karlie stops fiddling with her car keys as she watches Jourdan places the last box in the car. "100% sure," she replies, even though they both knew this was a lie.

"Just don't do anything you'll regret please. Remember, I'm not that far away if you want to come stay at mine. Yeah, New Jersey isn't as great as New York, but it's still home."

"I think I'll take you up on that offer I don't really have anywhere else to go, thanks Jourdan. I love you." Karlie says as she tightly hugs the dark-skinned girl. Jourdan was going straight home and she was going back to Tribeca.

"I love you too, babe. Travel safe and don't fuck Taylor." Jourdan says slyly.

Karlie laughs at the crude comment, "Fuck off."

"Seriously though, protect your heart. Goodness knows you deserve a non-broken one."

Giving each other one last hug, they got into their respective cars and drove out of the parking lot to their set destinations.


You can do it Kloss, just knock on the door and the photoalbums back. It's not that hard.

The brunette had been sat outside the apartment in her car for the last ten minutes, photalbums on her lap, having to hype herself up to gather the courage to knock on the door and see the face she swore she'd never look at for the rest of her life.

Why am I even doing this?
This is just gonna make it more painful for both of us.
What if I can't leave?

Her mind becomes clouded with more thoughts as her breathing and heart rate increases in pace.

"Fuck it," she mumbles to herself, as she exits the car and walks into the apartment complex.

Finally she reaches the familiar yet foreign black apartment door and is about to knock on it when she hears something that she hadn't heard in a while echoing from the other side. Instead, she pulls out her key, that she had planned on returning to the older blonde, and unlocks the door herself.

 A Change Of Heart ♀KaylorWhere stories live. Discover now